People actually stole eggs


In the Brooder
11 Years
Nov 19, 2008
Nor. Cal.
Hello, I got some eggs from a friend for hatching the other day and his hen was sitting on 15 or so eggs and I got different ones that she wasn't sitting on and the day after I got my eggs from him someone actually stole all the eggs from him, with half developed chicks in them probably. I couldn't believe it.
there'll be a fun surprise when they crack those open
, instead of scrambled eggs they'll have fried chicken for breakfast... another note, sorry to hear it though. lucky i live in the country
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I keep mine padlocked, but it is just habit because the years I took care of large exotics in there. It has just always been locked, also the six foot driveway gate, and the six foot other gate by the house, but not the five foot wrought iron fence by the back yard. If three gates and a locked cage don't stop 'em, they were gonna get them anyhow...
My neighbor steals my eggs. He is going to never want another egg when I sit in a tree and sting him with a few rocks. Lol. He is 18 so he should know not to steal.
Ive heard of chickens getting stolen but eggs, is someone that desperate his son was looking forward to the chicks too.

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