people with house chickens

Dottie and her 11 chicks. Not her eggs but a wonderful mom. She is our indoor Japanese

Hey everyone, I haven't been on here in a while. School is winding down and that means that the teachers are panicking and throwing tons of homework and projects at us.
Today we got a letter on our front door from the city saying that one of our neighbors had complained about our chickens. The thing that really makes me mad is that they didn't complain about noise, sanitation or safety. No, they complained about the fact that we have chickens.
We know who it is. These people complain about everything.
So anyway, now not only do I have to worry and stress about finals and presentations, I also have to decide which of my dear beloved pets I want to keep and which ones I have to give away.
Pepper is going on 4 weeks now! Here are some week 3 pictures, only 5 days of difference between each photo!

May 10th

May 15th

Imagine trying to keep up with THOSE marks on the door frame, geeze! She's starting to get chicken shaped and is taking meticulous care of her feathers. She still seems to think she's the size of a tennis ball, though. Jumps around like she should fit on all the same stuff and is shocked to find she barely has footing in her previous napping spots. She's got an awfully pretty face coming in

Pepper is going on 4 weeks now! Here are some week 3 pictures, only 5 days of difference between each photo!

May 10th

May 15th

Imagine trying to keep up with THOSE marks on the door frame, geeze! She's starting to get chicken shaped and is taking meticulous care of her feathers. She still seems to think she's the size of a tennis ball, though. Jumps around like she should fit on all the same stuff and is shocked to find she barely has footing in her previous napping spots. She's got an awfully pretty face coming in

Look at those LEGS
Pepper is going on 4 weeks now! Here are some week 3 pictures, only 5 days of difference between each photo!

May 10th

May 15th

Imagine trying to keep up with THOSE marks on the door frame, geeze! She's starting to get chicken shaped and is taking meticulous care of her feathers. She still seems to think she's the size of a tennis ball, though. Jumps around like she should fit on all the same stuff and is shocked to find she barely has footing in her previous napping spots. She's got an awfully pretty face coming in

So cute!!
Pepper is going on 4 weeks now! Here are some week 3 pictures, only 5 days of difference between each photo!

May 10th

May 15th

Imagine trying to keep up with THOSE marks on the door frame, geeze! She's starting to get chicken shaped and is taking meticulous care of her feathers. She still seems to think she's the size of a tennis ball, though. Jumps around like she should fit on all the same stuff and is shocked to find she barely has footing in her previous napping spots. She's got an awfully pretty face coming in

The chicken is a cutie but I am truly captivated by the number of Arboks surrounding your computer. Your desk seems amazing.
The chicken is a cutie but I am truly captivated by the number of Arboks surrounding your computer. Your desk seems amazing.

Ahaha, thank you! I used to collect Arbok (+ Ekans and Seviper.) It got a bit frustrating, since there's not much of him out there that isn't the same ugly mold recast for a new line of whatevers. My desk only has my favorites, there's a whole bundle of stuff in the closet... it's honestly a bit sad. Pepper likes to play Godzilla and terrorize all the toys on the desk, so I'm probably gonna have to move some of the rarer stuff away before she destroys it all

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