people with house chickens

They have their eyes trained on your dog though! Cute pic! We see this kind of thing around here 24/7! LOL People that haven't tried this yet, are missing out! Aren't they?

Haha they were actually watching someone coming down the stairs :p haven't been any issues wIth them and the dog so far, and it'd better stay that way!
And yes, people definitely are missing out, I hate that most people just see them as an outdoor bird that should be left alone! They're so much more than that <3
Haha they were actually watching someone coming down the stairs
haven't been any issues wIth them and the dog so far, and it'd better stay that way!
And yes, people definitely are missing out, I hate that most people just see them as an outdoor bird that should be left alone! They're so much more than that <3
Chickens don't miss a thing going on in the house! And Lord help a bug if it's crawling across the floor or a spider in a web. Those are treats! There was a large bug on the ceiling one night and I saw Munchkin standing below it just staring upwards. I looked up and saw it! I told her just a minute, got the fly swatter and knocked it down for her. I mean after all she spotted it for me!

Lil Maria loves Wal-mart plastic bags with a passion! She figured out there was food in them when I sat a bag on the kitchen floor one evening with potato peelings in it. She got all excited and dove into the bag. She demolished those peelings! So of course it has continued! LOL

People that know me and my husband, call us the chicken people! And they've learned chickens are way smarter than they are given credit for!

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That is a yes and no on loving being home with them! LOL They wear me out! They are very demanding! And of course I cater to them! There's times though I have to shut them up in their bedroom and let them squawk! Momma has things to get done around the house and needs HER time too!

As of now I only have the six! Three large and three silkies! My Moran hen, Martha Mae has a cage right behind my computer chair! She's the one that gets let out and in more than any of them. We are talking about the early AM hours here! She knows there's bugs outside underneath the lights. She'll go outside, scarf them up and then knock on the door with her beak when she wants back in! She'll sasha over to her cage and then I tell her to jump! She'll jump up into it and then make a lot of obnoxius noises!


**Edited by Staff**

So she knows where to go that's pretty good. Hours and hours pass bc u can end up spending so much time with them. I can never understand if their noises are good or bad either. Wish we could read their mind lol.
Chickens don't miss a thing going on in the house! And Lord help a bug if it's crawling across the floor or a spider in a web. Those are treats! There was a large bug on the ceiling one night and I saw Munchkin standing below it just staring upwards. I looked up and saw it! I told her just a minute, got the fly swatter and knocked it down for her. I mean after all she spotted it for me!

Lil Maria loves Wal-mart plastic bags with a passion! She figured out there was food in them when I sat a bag on the kitchen floor one evening with potato peelings in it. She got all excited and dove into the bag. She demolished those peelings! So of course it has continued! LOL

People that know me and my husband, call us the chicken people! And they've learned chickens are way smarter than they are given credit for!

Lol! Anytime I'm around chickens I find myself cautious of anything flying above. Of course they always notice threats first, but I'm quick to find what it is that they're aware of when they make their little warning sound hahaha
So she knows where to go that's pretty good. Hours and hours pass bc u can end up spending so much time with them. I can never understand if their noises are good or bad either. Wish we could read their mind lol.
I can honestly say I know what every sound they make means! Can even imitate a lot of them! LOL When I had over 100 roaming freely about and a hawk would fly over! I'd yell from the depth of myself - BOOM BOOMMMMMMM! They would scatter and look for anything close to hide under! That is if they didn't see it first!

Meet Pancake, my new house chicken. Was told she was about two months old, love her to pieces and she hardly bats an eye at anything. She'll be sleeping inside and spending time outside once I get everything set up.

We had our Silkie juvenile about 3 months old in-house wearing chicken diapers I made from a until she was 6 months old before integrating her with one other Silkie, White Leghorn, and Marans. They all accepted her into the flock once socialization was complete through a wire fence barrier. However we had to instantly rehome the too-large Marans who attacked her about a month later. Thank goodness I saw it right away to rescue her. That Maran was rehomed to a friend who says she's still a sneaky snot. That Marans was also responsible for picking my other Silkie bald including chewing her comb. I'll never have another Marans again or any heavy LF with bantams again.

Love your Pancake. I like the Buff color and Black is another favourite of mine. What breed is Pancake? Is she an only child because chickens are flock birds.
Chickens don't miss a thing going on in the house! And Lord help a bug if it's crawling across the floor or a spider in a web. Those are treats! There was a large bug on the ceiling one night and I saw Munchkin standing below it just staring upwards. I looked up and saw it! I told her just a minute, got the fly swatter and knocked it down for her. I mean after all she spotted it for me!

Lil Maria loves Wal-mart plastic bags with a passion! She figured out there was food in them when I sat a bag on the kitchen floor one evening with potato peelings in it. She got all excited and dove into the bag. She demolished those peelings! So of course it has continued! LOL

People that know me and my husband, call us the chicken people! And they've learned chickens are way smarter than they are given credit for!


Hi TC - did you know raw potato peelings have a toxic substance in them for chickens? I think the green peels are even moreso. Apparently cooked is ok but not raw.

And as smart as chickens are about staying away from food that's bad for them the younger ones aren't quite as savvy and need to learn from the older chickens. I notice our newer pullets get excited about a new food set out but they wait to see if it is eaten by the older hens before they'll muscle in to partake. If the older hens don't like it or are too full and walk away so will the pullets.
Hi TC - did you know raw potato peelings have a toxic substance in them for chickens? I think the green peels are even moreso. Apparently cooked is ok but not raw.

And as smart as chickens are about staying away from food that's bad for them the younger ones aren't quite as savvy and need to learn from the older chickens. I notice our newer pullets get excited about a new food set out but they wait to see if it is eaten by the older hens before they'll muscle in to partake. If the older hens don't like it or are too full and walk away so will the pullets.
Good God! Maria loves the potato peelings! She'll only eat the raw potato. Never eats the peelings! And of course her momma peels a raw potato just for herself too!

Meet Pancake, my new house chicken. Was told she was about two months old, love her to pieces and she hardly bats an eye at anything. She'll be sleeping inside and spending time outside once I get everything set up.

I just love this breed! I've had several of them in the past.
I have a video of Maria eating mashed potatoes off a spoon while Daddy is holding her! Her little beak is just a clicking while eating it. Then Daddy wipes her beak then folds the napkin for her to wipe her own beak on it! A chicken with manners!

Dad loves Honey buns! Maria will just about dance herself off the back of the couch waiting to get her first bite of it!


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