people with house chickens

This diaper has a double liner: unattached waterproof pocket slipped into the waterproof pocket stitched into the diaper. Dump, wash with soap and warm water, dry, and pop the liner back in. The easier way to use the diaper is to take a piece of paper towel and fold it to make a liner. When the diaper needs to be changed, simply throw away the poopy liner. You can still sanitize the waterproof liner stitched into the diaper.
I got Finn's diapers from I did go through a few for him (3). But they fit great and they were easy enough to take on and off. I feel like Finn is the only chicken who had to have pantyliners in his diaper for extra support. He couldn't carry the weight of a diaper, even empty, without the liners holding the shape.
Thanks for all the info guys! This is amazing! I might try the paper towel thing, since maxi pads can get a bit expensive. Also thinking of getting the full tail cover rather than the "poop cup" model (for lack of a better word) since I know ducks can be rather wiggly and I don't want it flying everywhere!
My god, there has never been a rooster sweeter than Finn! I just held him in my arms for about 15 minutes while he slept and purred the entire time.
Ah, I had one of those when I had a bunny, Gonzo! I still think I might do the ikea bookcase DIY idea, though. I know it sounds petty but I want something that'll match the decor of my home. :p

Also I'm thinking of just buying one diaper from alllll the different sources you guys have mentioned, that way I can find which ones I like best! For now though I've ordered the basic baby starter pack from, any of you guys tried that one?

And PBG, awww that is so CUTE! I hope I have that kind of relationship with my duckies!
Small is good for indoor ones. Easier! But i love my easter eggers (outside). I tried to bring my favorite one indoors permanently but i waited until she was too old and she pined for the flock, so she had to go back. Have not had the mini of those; bantam cochins and d'uccles are a sweet docile breed too. I had d'uccles indoors for the winter.
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That's why I chose call ducks - they're teeny! Also they've been bred to be docile, and of course, as cute as possible. <3 I'm afraid I can't speak for chickens though, I'm sorry. :/ I'm partial to rock hens and d'uccles though, just 'cuz they're so cute! I mean seriously, LOOK at this thing! It's no bigger than a soccer ball!


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