people with house chickens

What's really fun and nice is to come across another chicken person. I ran into a woman at a checkstand line and we chatted for 10 minutes about our backyard hens while others around us were either puzzled or totally into our conversation about what we do with our "pet" chickens. Our escrow representative reminisced about the time her mom found and raised a bantam for 5 years before it peacefully passed on. There are a growing number of chicken ppl out there!
LOL I can top that one! Me or my husband will whip out our cell phones and start showing pictures or videos!
Don't need no fold out plastic covered picture holder when you have a cell phone!

Rad is a modern game cross so she is actually a larger bantam
Dang! I have a large marran rooster that needs a new hen! Martha Mae passed on Super Bowl weekend. He's lonely! He's spoiled, well mannered and sleeps inside right behind me here in the enclosed porch area.

It's heated, cooled and has a flat screen TV to watch. Martha Mae's cage is still behind me on the other side waiting for a companion to fill it.

They have the run of two acres during their out time and a heated/cooled area outside too.

Dang! I have a large marran rooster that needs a new hen! Martha Mae passed on Super Bowl weekend. He's lonely! He's spoiled, well mannered and sleeps inside right behind me here in the enclosed porch area.

It's heated, cooled and has a flat screen TV to watch. Martha Mae's cage is still behind me on the other side waiting for a companion to fill it.

They have the run of two acres during their out time and a heated/cooled area outside too.

Dang! I have a large marran rooster that needs a new hen! Martha Mae passed on Super Bowl weekend. He's lonely! He's spoiled, well mannered and sleeps inside right behind me here in the enclosed porch area.

It's heated, cooled and has a flat screen TV to watch. Martha Mae's cage is still behind me on the other side waiting for a companion to fill it.

They have the run of two acres during their out time and a heated/cooled area outside too.

Well his size actually wouldn't be a problem, because Rad only behaves around larger birds
It would be getting her to Arkansas!
Well his size actually wouldn't be a problem, because Rad only behaves around larger birds
It would be getting her to Arkansas!
Oh Grand!!!!! Send her COD! And no you don't have to give us any chicken alimony either! :)
I'm a retired Army Veteran - Woman! I think I can afford to feed her along with the rest of the crew here!
She'll think she's gone to a wonderful hotel! LOL
I know you'll miss her, but you won't have to worry about her being well taken care of! :) I've had many a
soldier in my units tell me they were going to come back reincarnated as a chicken to live at Sarge's house! LOL
Molly sleeps in a clothes basket in my bedroom on top of a covered pillow then covered with a fuzzy blanket. Maria
sleeps with her daddy on his bed! She has her own spot made for her to sleep on! Mr. Cotton has his own crate in
the chicken bedroom!

Oh Grand!!!!! Send her COD! And no you don't have to give us any chicken alimony either! :)
I'm a retired Army Veteran - Woman! I think I can afford to feed her along with the rest of the crew here!
She'll think she's gone to a wonderful hotel! LOL
I know you'll miss her, but you won't have to worry about her being well taken care of! :) I've had many a
soldier in my units tell me they were going to come back reincarnated as a chicken to live at Sarge's house! LOL
Molly sleeps in a clothes basket in my bedroom on top of a covered pillow then covered with a fuzzy blanket. Maria
sleeps with her daddy on his bed! She has her own spot made for her to sleep on! Mr. Cotton has his own crate in
the chicken bedroom!

How would I get her over there? I would still have to think on quite it a bit because I was really hoping for something temporary.. I love my little Rad Bird
But at the moment I can't give her what your sweet babies get..
How would I get her over there? I would still have to think on quite it a bit because I was really hoping for something temporary.. I love my little Rad Bird
But at the moment I can't give her what your sweet babies get..
Postal service ships birds all the time! :)

You keep thinking on it! I'll keep looking around! I haven't been searching real hard!
Marvin's the one that's looking harder than I am! LOL
But when your post popped up last night? It was like a "HELLO"? I need a home for a house chicken!
I had to respond! Even Marvin started talking to me behind me in here! LOL
I told him it just might be meant to be?

My husband said Marvin jumped up the steps and came into his shed with him today! First time ever!
He's lonely and also looking for Martha Mae, because she used to keep my husband company in the shed too!

The only thing I'm concerned about is her size compared to his size! Can you post a picture of her for me?


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