people with house chickens

Hello! I need some thoughts. So my rooster has grown up without fellow chickens as his flock. He only has me. He has lived in the balcony for his entire life, no grass and everything although I do let him in the house constantly. We live in an apartment complex in the middle of a busy city. I'm just ridiculously concerned that maybe he's bored. There's nowhere for him to forage and I have yet to give him a dust bath since my parents wont have it. I would love to re-home him but none of the people who are willing to get him want to keep him. All of them plan to slaughter him. I don't want him slaughtered!!! I'm sure that here right now is where he'll best be but I can't help but worry about him. He's always eager to cuddle and come inside and I'm just afraid he's lonely and bored.

Any thoughts?
I love them! So pretty!

Mine is a Silkie too! We have 3 Barred Rock chickens and 1 Easter Egger that have suddenly started bullying her (I don't know why...? They have been together since they were hatchlings and are a year old now). My guess is they are just jerks. We were going to build her another coop and get a couple of other Silkies to keep her company,..but I am loving having her inside and she seems to have no desire to go back out either. I am really trying to justify keeping her inside. Lol

You can do it! Will it cause a divorce, having pet chick inside. I dare say, if thats all you want to make you happy, just do it! Its your house and your chick! You aren't out being a shopping addict, or demanding a new car every other year! I would say inside chick falls under "low maintenance" compared to some people.
I fully intend to have a house chicken some day when I am too old and rickety to care for a coop. I have forewarned my kids, and told them they will have to come visit me once every day and change my lap chicken's diaper.
As for now, only Gentle Lentil comes in the house. Every day, waits at the door or follows the dogs in. She also tries to hop in the car.
These chicks should be in movies. I love Chicken Nuggets but I would have called her Betty Davis cause her eyes look huge!
These two boys are becoming my house chickens. The head rooster is starting to pick on them and they like people more than other chickens. They can keep each other company when I am not home and when I am home they love to hang with me and watch me play videogames. I even called Sora (the blue splash) Videogame chicken. When he see's be going for the playstation he comes strutting over for his daily entertainment of watching me die over and over and over in the dumbest possible deaths xD They also both love going for car rides like dogs. I will take them out of the pen and walk to the car and they run after me like "CAN WE GO TOO?" Have to wait for all the baby chicks to get out of their night pen so they can come back inside. I am getting them both leashes too so we can all go on walks int he park together.
Hello! I need some thoughts. So my rooster has grown up without fellow chickens as his flock. He only has me. He has lived in the balcony for his entire life, no grass and everything although I do let him in the house constantly. We live in an apartment complex in the middle of a busy city. I'm just ridiculously concerned that maybe he's bored. There's nowhere for him to forage and I have yet to give him a dust bath since my parents wont have it. I would love to re-home him but none of the people who are willing to get him want to keep him. All of them plan to slaughter him. I don't want him slaughtered!!! I'm sure that here right now is where he'll best be but I can't help but worry about him. He's always eager to cuddle and come inside and I'm just afraid he's lonely and bored.

Any thoughts?
We buy home made chicken diapers and on the back there is a place for a very light leash to walk them. I suggest taking him for walks outside near grass on his leash. Look on this site for people who make the chicken diapers.
Hi fellow chicken lovers,
I have a question...can anyone tell me what kind of chicken I have?

It's hard to tell from just one photo angle. If you got the chicken from a feed store It could be an Easter Egger -- I see more than one color in its feathers. Post a couple more pics of a profile and a head closeup.
Hello! I need some thoughts. So my rooster has grown up without fellow chickens as his flock. He only has me. He has lived in the balcony for his entire life, no grass and everything although I do let him in the house constantly. We live in an apartment complex in the middle of a busy city. I'm just ridiculously concerned that maybe he's bored. There's nowhere for him to forage and I have yet to give him a dust bath since my parents wont have it. I would love to re-home him but none of the people who are willing to get him want to keep him. All of them plan to slaughter him. I don't want him slaughtered!!! I'm sure that here right now is where he'll best be but I can't help but worry about him. He's always eager to cuddle and come inside and I'm just afraid he's lonely and bored.

Any thoughts?

Indoor chickens don't get much in the way of greens. I hope you are chopping lots of spinach leaves and cucumbers for your roo. They really thrive on greens or freshly sprouted seed sprouts. Boredom? Depends on the chicken's life so far. My chickens free-range the backyard so that if I confine them to a smaller pen, they will instantly complain. A chicken that has been confined since the start doesn't have boredom issues. A perch, a place to walk around, a daily time with its owner just watching TV or sharing a salad snack is entertainment for the chicken. A mirror has been helpful with my quarantined or injured birds that have to be confined. They love the mirror to talk to it and sleep by it.

Indoor chickens don't get much in the way of greens. I hope you are chopping lots of spinach leaves and cucumbers for your roo. They really thrive on greens or freshly sprouted seed sprouts. Boredom? Depends on the chicken's life so far. My chickens free-range the backyard so that if I confine them to a smaller pen, they will instantly complain. A chicken that has been confined since the start doesn't have boredom issues. A perch, a place to walk around, a daily time with its owner just watching TV or sharing a salad snack is entertainment for the chicken. A mirror has been helpful with my quarantined or injured birds that have to be confined. They love the mirror to talk to it and sleep by it.
What is her breed? My husband and I were looking at her, and we have o ly had chickens a year. Is her color considered blue? I did not know about the mirrors. Next time.I have one in sick bay I will try it.
It's hard to tell from just one photo angle.  If you got the chicken from a feed store It could be an Easter Egger -- I see more than one color in its feathers.  Post a couple more pics of a profile and a head closeup.
Here are a couple pic's I took of her. I think you are right about her being an Easter Egger, that's what everyone else has told me.
It's hard to tell from just one photo angle.  If you got the chicken from a feed store It could be an Easter Egger -- I see more than one color in its feathers.  Post a couple more pics of a profile and a head closeup.

For some reason only one picture posted on the last message. Here are the other 2...:)

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