Percentage of chick vs layer feed?


Jul 21, 2023
I have a few 13 to 15 week old girls. I introduce some 7 month old young ladies. I need to feed both of them. What percentage of chick vs layer feed should I start with. I know too much calcium can be dangerous to young chick. I don't want my young ladies to suffer with not having enough calcium. Any advice will help. Thanks.
Hi, great question! I have a mixed flock, 21 birds with only 7 layers at the moment. Some are too old to lay (and will soon be culled to the freezer), others are molting, and there's one rooster. In order not to have to worry about that calcium question, we feed everybody an all-flock formula (no calcium) and provide oyster shell (OS) separately in a side feeder. The layers help themselves to the OS as needed, the others ignore it. No worries.

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