Perfect Strangers (When can the new chicks meet the Hens?)

Here is how I brought new chicks into my flock ..........

I put an old 3 room rabbit cage in the coop, cut holes through the dividers so the peepers could have the run of the whole thing, put a heat lamp in the middle room, water on one end, and feed on the other, with mini roost poles towards the back in all three "rooms". Once they were about 5-6 weeks old I let the peepers stay in that 24-7 like a brooder for a couple more weeks out in the hen house. I then divided the chicken yard with some old chicken wire fencing that had been laying around. I let my older girls out the door to "their side" of the yard first, then shut that door, and opened up the bunny cage and let the lil ones out the other door to "their side" of the yard. I left that door open so the lil ones could get back in the bunny cage at bed time, then I'd just close that up n let the big girls in. So the two groups of ladies were living together. . . . but not. They could see and hear each-other all day every day. I think the lil girls even learn behaviors and warnings and stuff from the more experienced girls this way. Eventually the lil girls wanted to roost outside of the bunny cage with the big girls and I knew it was time to take down the old chicken wire divider in the yard, and leave all three doors to the bunny cage open for three more nest boxes. So . . . wha-la, I got one integrated flock now with no violence.
good set up, I've done similar. it does work

- I agree, the little ones do seem to learn from being around the older birds. My little boys are from a brooder, not a broody, and they are just learning how to forage and find things to eat. They're still learning what's edible and starting to scratch a little :)
Oh, I love your tag line!
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I am working on intergating 4 9 week olds with 5 19 week olds. I sectioned a covered part of the run and put a temporary shelter for the younger girls to use. They can see each other and come to the dividers to check each other out. The older girls are far more interested in the young ones than vice versa. When I let the older girls out (or the young ones) into the pen to scratch in the grass and leaves I leave the others in the big run area that is next to the pen so they can see each other. I will probably continue this arrangement until the 9 week olds are closer in size and then see what happens. Wish me luck.
It's always good to have more than one "newbie" - it distributes the picking! I hate just having a single bird to add, I feel like I just put a live target out there for the others

You have almost as many new birds as the established flock, I think it should work very well...
Well hopefully i wont have one of each to look at
I just want to have hens :} I am going to get them friday morning , as soon as i get home I will post pictures here and wait for the good news that I indeed did get three hens
I hear ya! Nothing like getting a little unwanted surprise!

I can't wait to see pics :)

- Did the guy tell you how they have been raised/housed?
I hear ya! Nothing like getting a little unwanted surprise!

I can't wait to see pics :)

- Did the guy tell you how they have been raised/housed?

He did tell me that they are outside now in the coop with no light :) He has two different sets of chicks. He said the ones that I am getting one is 11 weeks old and two are 8 weeks old but are living together now?? If i get there and I dont like the way they look or if they dont look clean. I probably wont get them. As soon as I get home Friday from getting them I will be posting pictures :)
I think the Sussex are hens. At least I hope so because they look like mine and I want her to be,

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