What did you do in the garden today?

Are you talking about these bugs?
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We call them Tubs, Tubbies or Roly Poly bugs...we've got gazillions of them, but I never minded them. They seem to just hang out, aerating soil, preferably in moist shade under rocks, etc. They haven't really done anything destructive here, as far I know...or am I wrong? I'd rather see those fire ants, ear wigs, black widows & hobo spiders gone more than anything. While watering the seedlings after work yesterday, Something crawled up inside my pant leg & bit me on the butt cheek, right where the underwear line is. Probably a fire ant, got a painful, darn welt on my butt cheek now. 😠
Yep! Those bugs! Since I have been trying to garden down here they have been my biggest enemy. I have seen them on the plants eating them. If I hadn't seen them I would blame something else.

Roly polies mostly hide during the day, so they do most of their eating at night. If you have ever had seedlings mysteriously get their stems "chopped" like a mini beaver done it, that was a roly poly.

I planted 17 jalapeno seedlings outside. All of them were eaten by the roly polies. I planted 23 tomato plants outside as well, only about 6 remain. I planted a raspberry bush start, they ate it everytime a leaf came up. They have been the bane of my existence.

Oh no! I have yet to be bit by a fire ant and I would like to keep it that way. 😅
I think it depends. They are not pests here. There are a lot around the foundation of my house & around the chicken coops but everything planted there does great, so they aren't harming my gardening at all. In those areas I have Lamb's Ear, Petunias, Marigolds, Hosta, Mint, Tiger Lilies, shrubs, Black Eyed Susan, Clematis, Nasturtium, Lavender, Hibiscus, Daffodils & Tulips & wildflowers...all are thriving. I see a bunch underneath of large flower pots, but the plants in the pots are doing great. I don't see Roly Poly bugs in the veggie garden area, just a lot of earthworms there. They like moisture & we've got plenty of that. I wonder if they're more of an issue in dry climates, seeking the moisture, maybe going for moisture in roots of plants? I really don't know.
That is what I am thinking. Where I used to live there was no shortage of rain and we never had problems with the roly polies. Now that I am in Texas, where it is pretty dry, they just won't leave my plants alone.
Battling another mole that has taken up residence in the tunnel of the one I got last week. Never ends.
I have some mole activity in one of my raised beds. I take a more "live and let live" attitude with the little diggers. They've never really done much damage, other than occasionally tunneling under rows of newly planted seeds, and the seeds usually still come up where they were disturbed.

My take is that the moles' tunneling aerates the soil, plus they excrete fertilizer deep under the garden. They eat grubs that may eventually do damage to plants. To me, that's worth having a few things in the garden being disturbed.


If you have ever had seedlings mysteriously get their stems "chopped" like a mini beaver done it, that was a roly poly.
Or a cutworm.
I have the daikon bucket thinned down to 5 plants now. I just used the weed-tea fertilizer I made for the first time, watering the daikon with a 20 to 1 dilution of the fermented liquid.

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