Perkins laying eggs without a shell

Thank you for your replies I really appreciate it. I will get some calcium citrate and stop the kale. Fingers crossed this will sort the problem out.
Yesterday one of them laid a tiny egg it did have a tiny yolk what’s that all about. My three Pekins are the first lot of ducks I have had they are beautiful and have lots of character.
That was a fairy egg..Normal unless something is wrong in the reproductive organs? Being Pekin they could of been more bred for meat and not egg production So issues will be predominant with egg laying.
@casportpony i do give it orally but it wasn’t until I learned from your info that you posted. Not everyone feels confident doing this can you please post the info you have shared please. Runners just like Pekins were developed for egg laying and because of this they can get depleted of calcium after laying so long so using calcium citrate helps them get those calcium stores built back up. Yes they can have leg issues because they are heavy and are meant to grow fast so they can be processed early but it hasn’t anything to do with those who keep them as pets. Feed them really well watch they don’t get over weight and they will be healthy as any other breed. We had a member who had a Pekin that was 12 yrs old. but I haven’t seen them have any more egg laying issues then any other top laying breed. When I find a soft shell I start the calcium citrate and it takes care of it.
Thank you for your replies I really appreciate it. I will get some calcium citrate and stop the kale. Fingers crossed this will sort the problem out.
Yesterday one of them laid a tiny egg it did have a tiny yolk what’s that all about. My three Pekins are the first lot of ducks I have had they are beautiful and have lots of character.
Pekins are awesome!

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