Permanent blinder

jolly wattles

6 Years
Apr 27, 2017
West Tennessee
This poor thangs comb never grew in right. Causes her depth perception issues. Almost drowns drinking water lol
You might consider dubbing her comb. It is common to do that in some breeds for showing. There have been quite a few birds whose combs have grown oddly or have caused severe problems. I would consider it if it really bothers her. Since I don’t know much about dubbing, here is some reading:
I wouldn’t do it either if she is fine with the comb in her eyes, and gets around well. It is never good to do something so drastic if it is unnecessary. I just thought you were looking for suggestions because she was having a hard time.
Yeah sorry maybe posted in the wrong forum.

It's like cutting hair, sorta.
Just get someone to hold her, a sharp pair of heavy duty scissors and snip going from front to back. Make sure to have some flour to dab on if she bleeds a little. Next day she'll have a scab there and in a week she'll be prancing around with her healed comb and newfound vision!
You can do it!
It's like cutting hair, sorta.
Just get someone to hold her, a sharp pair of heavy duty scissors and snip going from front to back. Make sure to have some flour to dab on if she bleeds a little. Next day she'll have a scab there and in a week she'll be prancing around with her healed comb and newfound vision!
You can do it!
I know what it entails. Read posts above. It's not necessary right now.

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