Pet dogs and chicks

1 dog at a time is best.. start with the most dominant and work your way down...

It is possible...

I have a 3 year old yellow lab Daisy and she has never harmed any of the other pets.


Elvis was in an attacking mood that


Daisy wanting to swim with Cotton
We have 2 dogs. One is a big mutt, the other a Boston/Fox terrier mix. My mutt so far could care less about the chickens the other shows a lot of interest. I don't leave either of them alone with them.
I have 7 growing chicks and 5 cats and 2 dogs. A black lab and and a black lab/ german shepherd mix. The lab has always been mother hen to any baby creature we have added to the family but Max the lab shep mix isn't quite 2 yrs old yet still instinctively a male dog. I have had the chicks in the dog yard and the dogs curiously inspected the funny little birds under my watchful eye. No attempts to eat them yet but the dogs stay in the back yard and the chickens in their chicken yard,both fenced in. I wonder if I should worry more about my 5 cats. The chicken run is fairly secure but I know if something wants to get in they could find a way. My hubby killed a garden snake in the front yard yesterday. We do have copper heads and water moccasins around with the creek out back, which is why hubby killed the snake before noticing it wasn't poisonous. Being new at this chicken dance
;), any words of wisdom are welcome.
I have several dogs and only one of them can be trusted with my birds(still not alone) he has always helped me feed my ducks and chickens... he never messes with them... i think it depends on the dog and how they are brought up
I have a allmost 2 year old pit bull female who could care less about my chicks. It took us maybe 3 horus or so to let her know she wont be eating nuggets for dinner. Never a smack or a harsh word. The word " no " and some misdirected focus did the trick for us.. yours may vary tho since you have so many dogs.

that beeing said...

There is a big difference with 5 or more dogs or just one dog.Pack mentality, prey drive etc all come into play.

They can be tought to leave them alone but it wont be a fast process.I would suggest you have a fence separating them first.. mayeb for a week or more to have them get used to each other. Stay with the dogs and let them sniff the chicks etc.If they act like they want to take a bite out of the chicks tell them no and repeat until they get the drift. Once the chicks wont flap and carry on and run off they wont be such a drive from the to give chase.

They will get used to each other , its just a matter of time. Supervise at all times.
Luckily retrievers are one of the breeds that can and will get along with anything. A good fence and lots of time side by side will do the tirck. you wiat.. in a few weeks they wont even give the chickens a second look.

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