Pet names that are just plain weird?


Completly Hopeless
14 Years
Dec 6, 2009
Southwestern Washington State
I have cats named Messy, Dagger, and Ploofus. I have a rooster named Ooblech. A dog named Oliver Wendell Hound. A duck named Runaway.
Surely I'm not the only one with oddly named pets! Anybody else got any good ones?
My first 3 chickens, I named Sagwa, Shegwa, and Dongwa, after the characters in the PBS cartoon Sagwa the chinese siamese cat.
My first cat as an adult was named HerbieGeorge after a friend's nickname.
Imp is one of my cats, now named Blimp cause of his size.
Took in a feral cat once that I named Graby contraction of Gray Baby. Everyone wanted to know why I named her Gravy.

I named Graby's feral dad Ol' Mange cause of his looks.
The rest had pretty normal names.

Years ago I had a dog named Fubar. I know, not very nice. I have grown up since then
. My daughter named her pony Grassy Applespice, fish named Swimmy, garden snake named Poopy, have a duck named Puddles, another duck was Quackers and her mate was Peekers.
We have a chickens named Sharko, Ditzy, Rosey Rotten, and Birdzilla

a parakeet named Chopper (he bites)

had a cowardly dog named Savage and my child hood dog was named Whiskey

Had a horse named Rover, and

Kicking Wings is the name of my friends horse that I sold to her.
i have a hen named henrietta (not original), a hen named bettycrockadoodledoo, another hen named marquita, and a rooster named satin, and another rooster named pebbles, then i have my parrot his name is Verde, but is pronounced "verdee"

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