Pet Peeves

Hate those Costco lines. Sometimes you can't tell if someone is shopping close to the lines or in them.
That’s why I do self checkout. Partially social anxiety but also because anyone over the age of 40 doesn’t use them here. Today at Costco one of the workers came to help scan some big items and I fumbled like 3 items, looked the guy dead in the eye, said “I’m trying my best,” and endured the awkward silence afterward 👍
endured the awkward silence afterward 👍

That’s why I do self checkout. Partially social anxiety but also because anyone over the age of 40 doesn’t use them here. Today at Costco one of the workers came to help scan some big items and I fumbled like 3 items, looked the guy dead in the eye, said “I’m trying my best,” and endured the awkward silence afterward 👍
I politely/graciously tell them that if I need help I'll ask for it. Is that bordering on rude?

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