Pet Peeves


That's it. You're walking the plank.

Peter Pan Goodbye GIF

How about when you're doing talk to text, and for "Chicken coop" the darn auto fill writes
"Kicking co-op"

There are a zillion mistyped words but I would have thought this idiotic phone could have learned "chicken coop" by now, considering how many times I've talked about chickens.
I almost exclusively use talk-to-text and my phone always inserts a hyphen into the word co-op. Then I have to go back and edit it. Super obnoxious.

Ugh, it did it just now. Here, I'll leave it so you all can see :lau
I almost exclusively use talk-to-text and my phone always inserts a hyphen into the word co-op. Then I have to go back and edit it. Super obnoxious.

Ugh, it did it just now. Here, I'll leave it so you all can see :lau
Exactly! So I guess the chickens have been running a secret co-op...we humans didn't know, but Siri & Google did
Variations of English...
City slicker
Country hillbilly
Hipster cool
Teenage Slang
Punk rock
Rock n roll
Baby talk
Toddler gibberish
Lovey Dovey talk
Auctioneer talk
Foul mouth talk
Fowl talk (my favorite 😍)
& don't forget Bloody Hell British talk

(I'm sure I've left out to add?)

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