Pet Peeves

I used to have an employer that said it like that no matter how many times it was brought to his attention. :he
When someone else said it to him that way he thought they said it wrong and "corrected" with the same wrong word. :he
He was used to hearing it from others the right way but it didn't self register that he was saying it wrong. :he


Wow, you'd think someone would show it to him in a dictionary. ... 🤔
A lot of times, the person can't help it. It's just a habit or a speech issue. An old friend of mine used to pronounce it "aluminumnum". Not her fault. My boss at work pronounces "mandarin oranges" as "mandolin oranges" and my son says "libary instead of "library". Again, not their fault and they certainly aren't doing it on purpose
speech issue.
Yes, that can be a common issue when mispronouncing words. Sometimes it can just be certain letters together that triggers it. I had a TBI that gave me speech issues and some words give me a really hard time, but I can usually compensate by slowing down and concentrating. The one thing that I still have the most problem with is thinking one word and saying another.
I swear some of this is hereditary. My brother and sister were adopted. We all grew up in the same house, from infancy. My brother and sister both have/had words that they said differently from what I do/my parents did.

I sometimes say, "childern" or "hunderd." Or even "hunnert." It's easier. 🤷‍♀️ I never, ever, heard my sister pronounce those words as they actually are spelled.

My brother says the word "either" as "eh-ther."
I swear some of this is hereditary. My brother and sister were adopted. We all grew up in the same house, from infancy. My brother and sister both have/had words that they said differently from what I do/my parents did.

I sometimes say, "childern" or "hunderd." Or even "hunnert." It's easier. 🤷‍♀️ I never, ever, heard my sister pronounce those words as they actually are spelled.

My brother says the word "either" as "eh-ther."
Dialects and accents can compound the issue.

You will never find me using a speech to text tool. Though I am sure many laughs would be had if I did.
I swear some of this is hereditary. My brother and sister were adopted. We all grew up in the same house, from infancy. My brother and sister both have/had words that they said differently from what I do/my parents did.

I sometimes say, "childern" or "hunderd." Or even "hunnert." It's easier. 🤷‍♀️ I never, ever, heard my sister pronounce those words as they actually are spelled.

My brother says the word "either" as "eh-ther."
This too. I have five sisters and only two of us have an "accent". And yes, it's a triplet. But the other triplet and the older sisters don't have an "accent". I quote it because I honestly can't say if it's a German accent or a legit speech impediment. We don't say our letter "r" properly all the time. We sound like we are from Boston but no one else in the family sounds like that. And we've never lived in Boston. We went through speech therapy up through 8th grade. So either speech therapy sucks or it's an accent that two out of six of us girls have🤷‍♀️
I swear some of this is hereditary. My brother and sister were adopted. We all grew up in the same house, from infancy. My brother and sister both have/had words that they said differently from what I do/my parents did.

I sometimes say, "childern" or "hunderd." Or even "hunnert." It's easier. 🤷‍♀️ I never, ever, heard my sister pronounce those words as they actually are spelled.

My brother says the word "either" as "eh-ther."
Are your brother and sister full blood siblings?
I'll bet she says al- you- mini- yum, like an Englisher. 😉 She's Canadian, right? I don't know where they get the extra "i" but it sounds impressive!
Yup, it is impressive until you hear it every day.
I tried and tried and can not say it like that one person does. How'd it go? Alunimun? Made my tongue hurt and my left eyeball got a cramp in it.
Our aluminum suppliers often did a double take when they heard it, but graciously let it slide because they knew what he wanted.

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