Pet Turkey's?

Oh my goodness!!! So awesome! Seriously, Lurk is one lucky turkey!!! We need more people like you in the world. I'm stealing that watermelon cake idea ...
Thanks for all the" pet" stories. My husband took over my chickens when I got a night job. Now he has multiplied my stock and added many more variety's. They also saved his life after retirement. We do want to also eat them and wanted to know how old the whites can be before they start getting tough.
Hi there, first post, I'll try to be a little short.

I got started in the feathered creatures on Easter, of course. The Mrs. brought home 5 chicks from the feed store. With a little work and a lot of love, they all survived and are thriving at the speed of running out of egg cartons regularly.

I flirted with the idea of getting a turkey, and I made the mistake of saying it when the Mrs. and my Friend's new wife were within earshot... A week later, I had a 2 day old Bourbon Red... His name is Tikey and it's the BEST thing I ever said

At 2 weeks old, He was already a ham...

I got Him as a single, so I ran up the hill to my Buddy's chicken coop and got Him a friend... They took to each other instantly...

Ends up being a rooster. His name is Mr. Mister...

I got Him in mid-June. By the 4th of July, I knew He was a He, and I was ready to jump out of my shoes... I really wanted a Tom...


Time goes on, and so does the tinyness... Always looking to be the center of attention...

Shortly after we got Him, we acquired a couple of Silkie Chicks. One rooster and one hen. They are practically inseparable and are in separate coops than the other layers. They do roam the grounds outside of the coops together, but stay in their own cliques most of the time.

We kept Him inside the house for almost 3 months. Outside during the day mostly and in at night. He loved being in the house...

Watching the Seattle Mariner's Games with me...



He is such a ham (Did I already say that?) and friendly as any animal I've ever been around....

He loves His exercise too....

Oh, yeah, did I tell you He was a ham????

The coolest animal I've ever had. I'm battling Bladder Cancer right now, and He has been the best therapy I could have ever imagined of having. I'm in remission, but still going through my chemo regiment. He has made it so much easier...knowing this is what I get to see when I get home every day...
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That's so awesome!
I think its really cool how some animals people think are nothing special can turn out to be exactly what we need. : )
Hi there, first post, I'll try to be a little short. I got started in the feathered creatures on Easter, of course. The Mrs. brought home 5 chicks from the feed store. With a little work and a lot of love, they all survived and are thriving at the speed of running out of egg cartons regularly. I flirted with the idea of getting a turkey, and I made the mistake of saying it when the Mrs. and my Friend's new wife were within earshot... A week later, I had a 2 day old Bourbon Red... His name is Tikey and it's the BEST thing I ever said At 2 weeks old, He was already a ham... I got Him as a single, so I ran up the hill to my Buddy's chicken coop and got Him a friend... They took to each other instantly... Ends up being a rooster. His name is Mr. Mister... I got Him in mid-June. By the 4th of July, I knew He was a He, and I was ready to jump out of my shoes... I really wanted a Tom... BIG Time goes on, and so does the tinyness... Always looking to be the center of attention... Shortly after we got Him, we acquired a couple of Silkie Chicks. One rooster and one hen. They are practically inseparable and are in separate coops than the other layers. They do roam the grounds outside of the coops together, but stay in their own cliques most of the time. We kept Him inside the house for almost 3 months. Outside during the day mostly and in at night. He loved being in the house... Watching the Seattle Mariner's Games with me... ...and H He is such a ham (Did I already say that?) and friendly as any animal I've ever been around.... He loves His exercise too.... Oh, yeah, did I tell you He was a ham???? The coolest animal I've ever had. I'm battling Bladder Cancer right now, and He has been the best therapy I could have ever imagined of having. I'm in remission, but still going through my chemo regiment. He has made it so much easier...knowing this is what I get to see when I get home every day...
I also have a turkey that helps me thru every day. All my flock are a joy to be around but I have a female turkey that I saved from drowning when she was young and now we are buddies for life. I battle several health conditions and sitting on the yard with her just makes the world and all the stress disappear. Who would have thought that turkeys would make such good pets.
I love that story and great pictures!! I started with chickens and when I saw a tom I knew I had to have turkeys. They have so much personality and they are beautiful. I barely eat the chicken eggs so they are all pets. I have a tom that has probably been photographed more than any other turkey in the area. Everyone who comes to the house immediately takes out their cameras.
He doesn't really like men so I have to put him up when men come. He loves me, however, although he seems less so these days. He's getting on in age I think. So glad you have had this experience. Pass it on to the world. Maybe they will stop eating so much turkey without thinking about it.
It's that time of year and I have six turkeys two that are over a year old and are my girls and are special to me. In the spring I added four others and they all turned out to be Tom's and my family wanted these to eat so I wasn't allowed to get close to them but since I care for them and spend the most time with them I just can't let them hurt them. They want me to choose which one they can have for thanksgiving but there is no way I can choose. They all have such unique personalities and are so sweet for Tom's. If one of them had been mean it would make my decision easier. They are my pets and they do so much for my health issues as do my entire backyard flock. Am I wrong since my husband got them for eating in the first place and I wasn't suppose to get close to them?

Hi there, first post, I'll try to be a little short. I got started in the feathered creatures on Easter, of course. The Mrs. brought home 5 chicks from the feed store. With a little work and a lot of love, they all survived and are thriving at the speed of running out of egg cartons regularly. I flirted with the idea of getting a turkey, and I made the mistake of saying it when the Mrs. and my Friend's new wife were within earshot... A week later, I had a 2 day old Bourbon Red... His name is Tikey and it's the BEST thing I ever said At 2 weeks old, He was already a ham... I got Him as a single, so I ran up the hill to my Buddy's chicken coop and got Him a friend... They took to each other instantly... Ends up being a rooster. His name is Mr. Mister... I got Him in mid-June. By the 4th of July, I knew He was a He, and I was ready to jump out of my shoes... I really wanted a Tom... BIG Time goes on, and so does the tinyness... Always looking to be the center of attention... Shortly after we got Him, we acquired a couple of Silkie Chicks. One rooster and one hen. They are practically inseparable and are in separate coops than the other layers. They do roam the grounds outside of the coops together, but stay in their own cliques most of the time. We kept Him inside the house for almost 3 months. Outside during the day mostly and in at night. He loved being in the house... Watching the Seattle Mariner's Games with me... ...and H He is such a ham (Did I already say that?) and friendly as any animal I've ever been around.... He loves His exercise too.... Oh, yeah, did I tell you He was a ham???? The coolest animal I've ever had. I'm battling Bladder Cancer right now, and He has been the best therapy I could have ever imagined of having. I'm in remission, but still going through my chemo regiment. He has made it so much easier...knowing this is what I get to see when I get home every day...
Glad to hear I'm not the only one who has a therapy bird. My BBB Hen "Mars" passed away back in May, she helped me with some PTSD issues from my years as a firefighter (very taboo that I even mention it) when she passed it hurt a great deal. We went down to the feed store and bought two Rio Grande Wilds this time I ended up with the Tom and my wife ended with the hen. Neptune, my little Tom likes to sleep with me even at 6 months he still tries to nestle under my chin. When the faces of those I couldn't save get to be too much Neptune just seems to know how to make it better, he's the answer I've been needing Mars was good and I have many fond memories of her but when she died it took that therapy away

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