Pheasant egg found, successful hatch!


In the Brooder
Aug 22, 2019
Hi everyone, a few weeks ago while i was out in the field i stumbled upon 2 small green eggs! I took them home and bought an incubator and one of them has hatched, looks to be healthy he is eating and drinking too. I decided to get some fertilised chicken eggs off eBay too and they look to be doing well, should be plenty of room in the brooder for all of them, they are due tomorrow so fingers crossed all goes well :fl. My only concern is the feed, i have heard that pheasants can start off with chick crumb but they do need a protein supplement of some kind i was thinking scrambled egg? :idunno Would the 6 other leghorn chicks bully the 1 pheasant?

Any comments more than welcome, thanks in advance for any advice.

Kind regards,


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I wouldn't say it was rescued, but cool cool.

Yes, pheasants need a gamebird feed. Purina gamebird chow is good.

I'm not sure if you're aware, but it is usually illegal to possess and/or hatch wild pheasant eggs and their chicks. Check with your state laws, you may be in violation. If you are not allowed to have this chick, you should give it to a local wildlife rescue.
I wouldn't say it was rescued, but cool cool.

Yes, pheasants need a gamebird feed. Purina gamebird chow is good.

I'm not sure if you're aware, but it is usually illegal to possess and/or hatch wild pheasant eggs and their chicks. Check with your state laws, you may be in violation. If you are not allowed to have this chick, you should give it to a local wildlife rescue.

It would be for the best to turn the bird in, it is all above board. The eggs themselves were not together in a nest, i would have left them if they were. They were just sitting in the dirt opposite ends of the field, this was about a day after the field was harvested so the mother hen must been scared off. I will see how the bird gets on with the other leghorn chicks which have begun hatching! Any ideas how i might be able to figure out the gender of the pheasant? Is it easy on a day old chick?
It would be for the best to turn the bird in, it is all above board. The eggs themselves were not together in a nest, i would have left them if they were. They were just sitting in the dirt opposite ends of the field, this was about a day after the field was harvested so the mother hen must been scared off. I will see how the bird gets on with the other leghorn chicks which have begun hatching! Any ideas how i might be able to figure out the gender of the pheasant? Is it easy on a day old chick?
It's gonna take a very long time to determine gender. I think I've seen it is about 3 months old when you can tell.

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