Phenobarbital Questions: Dog


7 Years
Mar 16, 2012
This might be a stretch but I'm hoping someone here has knowledge on Phenobarbital for dogs with idiopathic epilepsy.

My dog has just started Phenobarbital and is being given it twice a day. I want the treatment to be as successful as possible and have a few questions that I forgot to ask the vet / they didn't seem too confident in answering.

I'm giving it to him twice a day every 12 hours. I know if they skip a dose, it can cause them to have a seizure, so how much time do I have between doses? If he gets his PM med at 9, and I come home late (or go to a movie, etc..) and give it to him at 11PM one night, am I risking him having a seizure due to a missed dose?

I read they need a consistent diet as the amount of fats, carbs, and proteins he consumes each day can cause the medicine to be less or more effective. Any other diet tips? He's on a good quality kibble currently and I'm adding cook ground beef mixed in to help curb the appetite increase.

Also, what can I do to protect his liver?

Thank you to anyone who has any suggestions or articles they can link. Trying to become as knowledgeable about this medication as possible as I really hoped I wouldn't have to end up putting him on it. Worried for his future health and longevity and I haven't been successful in finding much "nitty gritty" info online.
Managing dose intervals is important, but don't go nuts over it. As he acclimates to the drug, it all tends to even out. Nobody is right on the minute with their own meds, much less the dog's. It will be fine.
Do talk to your veterinarian about it too.
He's had a lab chemistry profile recently, right? He'll likely have another in a few weeks, and again every six months or so, or whatever the vet recommends.
All the best,
This might be a stretch but I'm hoping someone here has knowledge on Phenobarbital for dogs with idiopathic epilepsy.

My dog has just started Phenobarbital and is being given it twice a day. I want the treatment to be as successful as possible and have a few questions that I forgot to ask the vet / they didn't seem too confident in answering.

I'm giving it to him twice a day every 12 hours. I know if they skip a dose, it can cause them to have a seizure, so how much time do I have between doses? If he gets his PM med at 9, and I come home late (or go to a movie, etc..) and give it to him at 11PM one night, am I risking him having a seizure due to a missed dose?

I read they need a consistent diet as the amount of fats, carbs, and proteins he consumes each day can cause the medicine to be less or more effective. Any other diet tips? He's on a good quality kibble currently and I'm adding cook ground beef mixed in to help curb the appetite increase.

Also, what can I do to protect his liver?

Thank you to anyone who has any suggestions or articles they can link. Trying to become as knowledgeable about this medication as possible as I really hoped I wouldn't have to end up putting him on it. Worried for his future health and longevity and I haven't been successful in finding much "nitty gritty" info online.

Been there, done that. Hugs to you. I couldn't save mine but I did love him very much. :hugs
We just did all the blood work when he had to be “hospitalized” and brought up to a large level quickly due to cluster seizures. He’ll be going in for another blood test in about 4 weeks. Wasn’t prepared to start this medication so trying to learn quickly.

Thank you for replying. :)
I had two rotties that suffered from psychomotor seizures. I only upped their doses two times then decided to have them put down. It is a very powerful drug in dogs and as soon I felt their quality of life was suffering on it I put them out of that misery. Best of luck and lots of hugs!
There are other drugs for this problem if Plan A doesn't work out too.
Right. Just starting with this one because it tends to work.
He was doing well on CBD oil, but this was a major setback. Couldn’t put off the real medication any longer.
I had two rotties that suffered from psychomotor seizures. I only upped their doses two times then decided to have them put down. It is a very powerful drug in dogs and as soon I felt their quality of life was suffering on it I put them out of that misery. Best of luck and lots of hugs!
He’s a much happier boy today. Still struggling with the loss of coordination but the vet said it should improve in 3-4 days. He was able to go for a decently long walk today and really enjoyed it.

Did the side effects get worse in your dogs? From what I’m being told, they should lessen with time.
I had two rotties that suffered from psychomotor seizures. I only upped their doses two times then decided to have them put down. It is a very powerful drug in dogs and as soon I felt their quality of life was suffering on it I put them out of that misery. Best of luck and lots of hugs!
That sounds similar to my situation, only mine was a large pitbull with severe head injury. I tried everything, finally did what you did.

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