Picking out chicks


7 Years
May 19, 2014
Georgetown, TX
I'm getting to chicks tomorrow from the feed store. They are getting a shipment of Easter Eggers and Black Australorps. What should I look be looking out for when picking them out? I am getting storey's guide to raising chickens but it won't be here till tomorrow night. This will be my first time with chicks, I have brooded ducks a few times. Anything special I should know? I looked through the sticky and a few articles in the learning center.

Also in re guard to medicated feed, do y'all think it is necessary for a small backyard flock? From what I understand if they are vaccinated it will cancel that out, so should I even bother?

One more thing, I really only want 2 chickens. Should I only get 2 or are the chances of one dying or being a roo really high and I should get 3? They are coming from Ideal and should all be pullets and the feed store is good about not letting people handle and mixing them up like TSC. I have 5 ducks and feel like the addition of 3 chickens might be pushing my luck with keeping my yard in decent shape. I feel like 2 would be more ideal. My husband doesn't care how many I get and these chicks are my mother's day present so it is totally my choice. I live in the suburbs so I do keep my neighbors in mind when expanding our flock as well. My legal limit is 10 but that would be too much.
On your chick shopping expedition, what I would recommend is you stand and observe the chicks before picking out a couple.

Avoid any that are sitting or standing in one spot, not moving around much, and may be nodding off standing up. They may also have droopy wing stubs not held close to their body. Avoid those. Don't select those that may be racing around pecking every other chick as they may be future roosters or aggressive pullets.

You want bright-eyed, active candidates, very active, spending equal time at the feeder, under the heat lamp and moving around their enclosure. Choose those that are perky with wing stubs held close against their bodies.

Other than that, it's a grab bag. Choosing two is just fine. If they've made it this far, they shouldn't die in your care.
On your chick shopping expedition, what I would recommend is you stand and observe the chicks before picking out a couple.

Avoid any that are sitting or standing in one spot, not moving around much, and may be nodding off standing up. They may also have droopy wing stubs not held close to their body. Avoid those. Don't select those that may be racing around pecking every other chick as they may be future roosters or aggressive pullets.

You want bright-eyed, active candidates, very active, spending equal time at the feeder, under the heat lamp and moving around their enclosure. Choose those that are perky with wing stubs held close against their bodies.

Other than that, it's a grab bag. Choosing two is just fine. If they've made it this far, they shouldn't die in your care.
Awesome. Thank you, that easies some of my fears. I'm super excited for tomorrow

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