Pics of Meyer EE's?

I am getting mine the 23rd. I needed a few more birds to fill out my order so I thought why not, the kids would get a kick out of a few colored eggs and I have heard mostly good things about them. I only have 3 coming so I hope I get atleast one that is light colored not the dark partridge color. They are all pretty but I just prefer the lighter colored ones. What else do you have in your assortment?

The 23rd of this month? You're so lucky. Although we are no where near ready so that's ok. The coop is finally coming this Sat and my DH started this past weekend on the run.

I ordered 2 Barred rock, 4 EE, 1 Blk Jersey Giant (for my DH), 2 Golden Campine, 1 White Rock, 1 Columbian Wyandotte, 1 Brown Leghorn, 1 Golden Buff, 2 Buff Orpington. I must have changed my order on the website 50X and then had to smack myself in the head and just order. I really wanted Buff Brahma rather than BO but I would have had to wait until May and I'm not that patient.
Next time!
How many and what do you have coming? Are you all ready?? Are these your first chickens or are you adding to your flock?

Here's my little pullet from Meyer! She's the one second to the left in the last pic. Such a sweet bird! Have fun!

VERY pretty
The 23rd of this month? You're so lucky. Although we are no where near ready so that's ok. The coop is finally coming this Sat and my DH started this past weekend on the run.

I ordered 2 Barred rock, 4 EE, 1 Blk Jersey Giant (for my DH), 2 Golden Campine, 1 White Rock, 1 Columbian Wyandotte, 1 Brown Leghorn, 1 Golden Buff, 2 Buff Orpington. I must have changed my order on the website 50X and then had to smack myself in the head and just order. I really wanted Buff Brahma rather than BO but I would have had to wait until May and I'm not that patient.
Next time!
How many and what do you have coming? Are you all ready?? Are these your first chickens or are you adding to your flock?
Yep next week
Sounds like a nice assortment you will have fun. I am ready to go as I am basically replacing what the raccoon ate last year aside from the EE's. I have a list of my current birds on my signature line thingy. I ordered 3 female cayuga ducks (for my lone drake) 3 light brahmas and 3 EE's. My BO hen is acting pushier than usual so with any luck she will go broody and I can test her mothering skills with the packing peanuts (male chicks added for warmth) the hatchery is sure to send given the frigid temps we are having. I am just nervous that they wont make the trip since it is January and coming from Texas to South Dakota is quite the change.
Oh that's awful. I just hate raccoons. Nasty critters. We had a raccoon family living in our vicinity doing damage to some structures in our yard so we decided to start catching them and send them far far away... I think we got up to 12 and then we just stopped. I thought there would be 3 or4 We also have fox and tons of hawks so our hens will not be free ranging. I chicken sit for a neighbor about a mile away and a fox got about 6 of her girls and a roo, of course the nice one, in one shot. She was looking out the window when it happened and it was so fast she couldnt do anything about it.
Hmmm Texas to SD I'd say they might be a little chilly. I read somewhere the can send a lot of 'packing peanuts' to keep them warm. Do you know how many they will send? Be sure to take and post pics. Can't wait to see them!
We trapped / shot two coons and haven't had much trouble since. I am still leary though so I shut the girls in as if there were still a lot of them. We have some neighbors that keep our varmit population in check for the most part. As far as the extras, I don't know how many they will send. I am acutally excited to see what I get as long as I have enough space when they get here. Since a full order in actually 25 chicks and I only actually ordred nine birds I am guessing somewhere around 16 extras. I plan on raising them out and butchering the boys, It would be great if get lucky and get a few girls...then I'll jut keep them. (ahh chicken math) I have relatives who may take a roo or two for their flock but the rest are destined for the fry pan / pot....

I will get pics up as soon as I can....I am so worried that this winter stuff will be a disaster, they are saying low of 5 F on monday but warming throughout the week with lows in the 20's wed & thur. but weather changes so fast it is still hard to say.

****also if you are looking for pics what I did was go on the EE braggers thread and search the hatchery name there was quite a few but it does take some time.
I'm jealous! I'm still waiting for my new coop to arrive! My sister has chickens and my husband I just bought our own land so I'm eagerly awaiting my chicken coop and getting it filled with some new friends!
I'm jealous! I'm still waiting for my new coop to arrive! My sister has chickens and my husband I just bought our own land so I'm eagerly awaiting my chicken coop and getting it filled with some new friends!
We're in the same boat. When is the coop arriving? Are you getting chicks or pullets? I debated for a while because it would be nice to get them as younger hens and have eggs right away but as I can't tell the difference from an old hen or young, I would most likely get taken and end up with grandma age! Plus, it will be nice to bond with them and get to know them from chicks.
****also if you are looking for pics what I did was go on the EE braggers thread and search the hatchery name there was quite a few but it does take some time.

Thanks I'm going to do this.
I don't know if you live far from your PO but I just read a good suggestion to bring a warm 'bean bag'. If you don't have one you can make one very easily and they stay warm 30 - 60 minutes.
Thanks I'm going to do this.
I don't know if you live far from your PO but I just read a good suggestion to bring a warm 'bean bag'. If you don't have one you can make one very easily and they stay warm 30 - 60 minutes.
Only about 8 miles / 10 minutes. But, that is a good idea...Thank You! Last time they put my chicks in the bathroom (not public) because they were so noisy and it had a door plus it was warmer lol
... this is peggy, we got her from a feed store in town, not sure which hatchery they order from, but its a hatchery EE

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