:Pics: Waiting for eggs. Soon? Update::We finally got a first egg!!

So.....hope remains!

Is there a lot of comb and wattle development? I find it amazing how varied the growth rates are in chickens. Mine are about 26 weeks and i have seen pics of much younger BO's that would shame my late bloomers...if they actually cared about such things.
Shaggy, Thank you!!! That is a really great thread. It really helps to have a reference even with the variability between birds.
no problem

it was a learning experience for me

those were the first i ever kept for eggs ... last time i had chickens was 20 years ago and we only kept them alive long enough to start the bbq pit
One of my BO laid her first egg last Saturday. She was 23 1/2 weeks. I know it was her because she ran out of the coop and laid it at my feet, lol. She has laid and egg all but one day since. Her eggs are the biggest, about the size of a medium egg from the store and they are a pretty light rosy pink color.
My Buffs are 27 weeks, and they just started laying....Their eggs are the two light ones in the back row.




gramakoko those are lovely pictures, what pretty girls!

My 25 week old BR girls still aren't laying, but they have been showing a lot of laying behaviors so I am hoping soon!
My BOs are 25 weeks old tomorrow. One started laying last week and a second started laying this week. Still waiting for the other three to start. My BRs are also 25 weeks old. One started laying last week. Still waiting for the other two to start. The eggs are delicious!
So i figure the ladies are about 32/33 weeks old now. Today, we f.i.n.a.l.l.y got an egg from them.

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