Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

With our great new homepage for BYC, we've also now got an exciting new system and process for our Picture Of The Week (POW), so we need your submissions!!!

Your Submissions MUST:
  • Be an image you took & own the rights to
  • Be a sharp, clean, picture that's at least 800 pixels wide
  • Include a short sentence about your picture, e.g., "My overly friendly Buff Orpington named Alehendra"
  • We prefer "landscape" (sideways) photos, but we'll accept really awesome"portrait"(tall) pictures... we just may need to crop them
Submit your POW by simply replying to this thread and attaching an image :)

We don't have a strict process or time-frame for how/when the POWs are posted, but in general they will be posted to the homepage weekly, and clicking on the POW will bring you to the post within this thread whereT
The girls have decided to nap together, yes there’s 7 chicks on this pile, shame about the veg patch but a great hollow was dug by one intrepid chicken!
Three friends of mine

View attachment 2004175

From front to back: Sandy the little hen that could, Janet the battler, and Mary, Queen of all she surveys.
Oh , we’ve got a Mary but she’s been named Cookie Monster! She lives sitting on laps and has taken to sitting in our miniature willow tree looking down on her ‘sisters’ as they gaze up at her
I am such a dirty, dirty DUCK!


A sudden thunderstorm created a large, muddy puddle in the yard and the ducks quickly took advantage of it.
Blanca Duck, in the center, does everything wholehearted, so if she gets dirty, she gets dirty! The other white duck is Earthquack who loves to make "ducknamis" in the duck-pool and the duck to the left with the ludicrous crest is called PomPom.
I would so love ducks but I had heard they love to make a mess, so we decided to make life easier for ourselves and now have 7 brown hens, unfortunately they are very noisy and messy too!!

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