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White Leghorn pullets taking a nap on a dog crate.
Unfortunately I do remember Pauly Shore. :lau

I get it now. Great name!
unfortunate, for sure. :lau

LOL ….. He is annoying, yes, but I did have the pleasure of meeting (partying with) him 30 years ago. I was stuck on a boat with him for an entire day, and I don't recall ever laughing as much as I did that day !!! He is (was) quite a character.
LOL ….. He is annoying, yes, but I did have the pleasure of meeting (partying with) him 30 years ago. I was stuck on a boat with him for an entire day, and I don't recall ever laughing as much as I did that day !!! He is (was) quite a character.

That sounds like another story altogether. :gig

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