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Ludwig, 1-year-old Black Langshan rooster, wondering why I'm sitting there in the coop and not throwing more dubia roaches.

I was actually *trying* to get a good shot at the iridescent shine on his feathers but he decided on a close up of his face instead.
3KillerBees, that is a beautiful close up of a very beautiful rooster. It is dreadfully difficult to get those nuances of a black animal. Good luck with it. You can see some of the iridescence in this shot, but you have to look. The brilliant comb and wattles contrast with that black face and the bright eyes are what spring to the attention first. that is a great photo!
3KillerBees, that is a beautiful close up of a very beautiful rooster. It is dreadfully difficult to get those nuances of a black animal. Good luck with it. You can see some of the iridescence in this shot, but you have to look. The brilliant comb and wattles contrast with that black face and the bright eyes are what spring to the attention first. that is a great photo!

Thank you.

Ludwig is an "oops" rooster, but he's both gorgeous and well-tempered.
I have known some OOPS people of whom I could say the same, more than the planned folks and animals. :gigGifts from the gods of odds.

I am hoping that when my brother-in-law has his chicken coop done he'll want a rooster for his flock.

I need to replace Ludwig with a Splash Australorp male when I hatch one, but he's far too nice a rooster to put into the crockpot.
I am hoping that when my brother-in-law has his chicken coop done he'll want a rooster for his flock.

I need to replace Ludwig with a Splash Australorp male when I hatch one, but he's far too nice a rooster to put into the crockpot.
Put Vanilla in the crockpot. Bury him alive if you’d like. I don’t mind.

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