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Point-of-Lay pullets, Nugget the OE and Red Band, the Australorp or Australorp cross, who is so dark that I can't tell if she's blue or black but who seems to have lacing and isn't glossy-black like her sisters.

That isn't an Australorp, not with black skin. Crossed with a silky or an Ayam Cemani?


I don't have any fibro breeds in my flock. Blue Australorps, French Cuckoo Marans, California White, some Lavender Orpington x SLWs, a Black Langshan, and a Dominique (though I don't *think* I hatched any of her eggs because they're smaller than I like). I don't know if the Lavender Orpinton or the Mottled Javas were laying when I hatched that batch.

She's gypsy-faced, yes, but if she's blue she has to be half Australorp at the least. She's clean-legged so it's unlikely that the Black Langshan rooster was her father.
Agreed. Someone in that flock isn't exactly what they say.

It's an Australorp or an Australorp cross, because I only had 2 males and one was a Black Langshan. His babies have feathered feet.

You can see every adult bird in my flock in these photos:


Australorp, Australorp, Mottled Java, Australorp, SLW pullet not yet laying, Lavender Orpington, (Can't see well enough), Australorp cockerel.


New layer Australorp or Black Langshan (still can't see well enough), Mottled Java, Australorp cockerel, SLW (do not hatch her eggs because they're all covered in bad calcium deposits), French Cuckoo Marans, Dominique, Lavender Orpington x SLW x3.


Lavender Orpington x SLW x3, Australorp, California White, Australorp, FCM.


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