Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

He’s so pretty 😮 but the other roo is more my type of roo 😂 and the hens back, poor girl but all my girls were like that with my old roo
This is his brother....They're 19 weeks.
That’s so cool! I think its so hard to learn one of the Slavic languages without a background. I’m Ukrainian, and have grown up learning Ukrainian as my primary language
cool! I just replied to your message, so hopefully you can keep a straight face while reading it. there may be some mistakes so... yeah
Too gorgeous, starting to feel jealous 🤣 but then I remember the roo I’m getting here soon.
Those feathers are soooo pretty, almost too pretty… the black spots on his neck… what breed are they?
Bitsa. Bits of this and that. The father is probably my MIL's Americauna x buff orpington (looks black tailed buff with some Colombian markings). The mothers....her Colombian wyandotte crossed with him can pop spangles and/or lacing according to kippenjungle. So could her silver laced...who she swears went missing before the eggs started going in the incubator. We aren't really sure which hen laid the eggs as they were some of her brown ones.

If you're going to try breeding, maybe a buff Brahma (or similar colors) with the colombian/silver laced colors wyandotte, Delaware, polish, light brahma....see what you get and go from there

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