Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

My daughter has wanted a polish chicken for ages that she could name Effie (after the Hunger Games character) this year she got her wish. Meet Effie...
Effie is so sweet! I also am a big fan of crested breeds. I have 5 Silkies now and have had 9 total over the years. Because of Silkies' crested open skulls we chose not mixing crested birds with standard or heavy big birds.

Cresteds (like Polish, Silkies, etc) have open skulls so that only skin covers the open skull bone and brain. One peck on a gentle crested head from another aggressive, giant, or tall bird can injure, paralyze, or even cause death. There are varying sizes in crested skull gaps but there will always be some degree of open skull. Some owners mix crested with standard-size breeds and have no pecking or bullying issues or have been just plain lucky. Adding 1, 2, or more Polish chicks together will allow them as youngsters and adults to form their own flock away from other standard-size birds.

Another issue with cresteds is that they are vision-impaired which adds to their skittishness and tendency to get picked on. As much as we love our fluffy crested bearded Silkie heads we will trim the feathers around their eyes to give them a fair chance to see the world around them and allay their fears of sneak attacks from flock mates. I've never owned Polish birds but have seen owners tie Polish crests with little girls' soft hair bands to give their Polish better eyesight.

But as always every owner will figure what works best for them.

Silkie skull

Polish skull
Polish Chicken Skull - a great example of a vaulted skull pathology. It's amazing these birds ...

Polish Chicken Skull - a great example of a vaulted skull pathology.

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