Pictures for duck breed guide


8 Years
Jul 10, 2015
I have a website about raising ducks ( It's relatively new. I just made a breed guide. I wrote the information, and I have some pictures, but I need more.

Does anyone have some nice pictures I can use? I can give you attribution or link to BYC or whatever.

This is the breed guide:

The main breeds I need pictures for: Abacot Ranger, Australian Spotted, Aylesbury, Bali, Dutch Hookbill, East Indies, Mallard, Orpington, Rouen Clair, Saxony, Silver Bantam, Silver Appleyard Miniature, and Silver Bantam.

I would also like some more Call pictures. I only have one. Pictures that aren't chosen for the BYC Other Poultry calendar would be really nice since they are good quality and usually eye-catching.

You're welcome to critique the information, as well. I'm always worried about accidentally writing misinformation.

I could post the breed guide on BYC, too, perhaps, if it might end up useful.

Thank you for any pictures you might let me use!
Yes, you will if you want to be. I could write, for example, "Picture from by buff goose guy" or "Picture by buff goose guy" and link to your profile page or website or whatever. You can choose how you want me to credit you.

In your signature it says you have Mallards, Calls, and Rouens...I can use pictures of all of those. THANKS!
okay :)

yes link it to my profile please

my calls are still very young i just got them 5 months ago so they are not all pretty yet so i wont give any pictures of those.

if you want i can also give pictures of my black mallards ( pure bred from wild mallard lineage 100% mallard trying to introduce them to the apa at the moment. )

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butThe firt picture is of mallards not rouens easily seen by the more rounded body while rouens have a more block like body.
Mallards have a concave beak as seen in the picture while rouens have a slightly less concave beak .
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