Pictures of Peafowls in various Zoos I visited [New Pics]

Plop !
Updating with some new pictures again ~

You may want to refer to this post before, to get all the names and such by the way ~

During my third visit to the zoo I took A LOT more pictures, so I probably won't upload them all in the same post. I just really want to share with people who like peafowl as much as I do

From my third visit - November 19th 2011

Firstly went to the West side of the lake and I spotted Shen...More like, he spotted me and the bread I had in the plastic bag though


And he displayed for a few minutes later on

Close by there was a peacock and he was lacking a bit of train feathers, apparently -wonder where they are because I'd have loved to collect them !-



I tried to get shots of Youshi flying down the pheasant cage, but unfortunately it's a bit fuzzy. However, those are my first of a peacock flying ~


A bit farther, I found Sheng Yin perching in a tree. Though the poor bird had a minor injury on his right leg D: Enough for him to sometimes limp and lift his leg



"Watcha looking at ? o_<"

Duck enclosure, where King reigns. Caught those two who seemed to have a little chat




I was hand feeding a few peahens, but King seemed to want some bread as well. He wanted it !

King is a handsome peacock anyway ~

Not too far there was Fai Ku Bing, he looked funny when he was doing this

But then he decided it was time to show his colours and call ~ Even if he has got broken train feathers

He's still a beautiful bird !

I will post some more later on, but I must say, even though I've seen marvelous things during that third visit, I also was really saddened by other things I saw. For example, Sheng Yin's minor injury there, it made me sad that the admins wouldn't cure him. Personally I would, but they may be "so busy with the other animals" -even though our Zoo isn't big at all-. But really I've seen something even worse...But I will be posting about this in my next post with pictures.
I hope you can enjoy this third pictures post.

Of course for most of you it's nothing out of the extraordinary, but those pictures mean a lot to me ; Those peafowls belong to my family afterall.
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That bamboo is huge! I love the combination of peafowl and bamboo. I am growing some bamboo in my peafowl pen but it isn't a very large kind. Now that I know I like growing bamboo (the clumping kind) I am going to try and look for some large bamboo.

I love all of your photos, especially that first one of Shen. Sometimes I sense that unlike all the other zoo animals peafowl are not very liked by the zoo staff, or they don't think much of them. Before I got peafowl I told a lady that worked at the zoo that since the zoo was closing I wanted to get some of their peafowl. She laughed in my face.
@Jbourget Thank you very much !

@MinxFox Indeed it is ! And with the wind it makes some creepy "creak" sounds even.
Yep I saw the bamboos in your pen -I think- but they look just as pretty in my opinion. ~
Yeah Shen had a nice pose there. I also agree about the Zoo staff and the peafowls. Apprently it doesn't bother them if one is injured. Every monday the zoo is closed, probably for some maintenance or whatnot but see, Sheng Yin's leg wasn't cured and the poor guy walks like a handicaped bird now.
I will check that on my next visit, but I hope for them he walks decently now, else well, I'm going to lose a bit of faith in them.
She laught at your face ? That's stupid...If they aren't going to take care of them, better give them to someone else. I don't see what's wrong with liking peafowls, it's like...they don't realise how lucky they are to have those beautiful birds by their sides.
Well I hope his limp gets better. One time when I visited a breeder he had a peacock that was walking really strangely. Every time he would lift his foot up he would clench it and slowly stretch it out to put it back on the ground. The breeder said it was just from fence fighting and sure enough the next time I visited the peacock walked like he had never had that problem. I hope it is just something that will go away for Shen.
I went to check on them all three days ago, and apparently, he is doing fine now. I'm happy for him, I was worried about his well-being...
However I saw two peacocks with weird feet, like...One would be bigger than the other, as if it were infected or something. I did take shots of them, and I will post them here, I'm a bit curious to know what happened to the poor birds.

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