Pictures of Polish and silkie crosses

Pampered chicken girl

Premium Feather Member
Apr 10, 2022
I am hoping to breed my black white crested Polish chicken to my white male silkie does, anyone have any pictures of this combo so I can know what it might look like? I am thinking a big head crest and what about the silkie Feathering what are the chances it will come out with Silkie feathers. I would only be putting one of these in the incubator maybe two eggs just in case one doesn't hatch, I have limited space in the coop and I'm planning on setting some other chicks with that one such as a silkie and possibly some seramas
It's a rooster is not completely white as you can see but he is really dirty in this picture he needs a bath LOL. Sorry this is the best picture I could get of the hen I'll take a better picture later on

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