Pigeon divorce?/re-marrying?


9 Years
Apr 2, 2015
Katy TX
Hey guys! So almost one month ago Fj lost his mate to IDK what(I assume internal bleeding post a hawk attack seeing as I was at work) but a week ago I bought my first actual breeding pairs of birds hoping theyd up my numbers somewhat....FJ stole a wife!!! Within 3 days I came out to find fj in his favorite nest box whith this new hen! So I'm just wondering how common divorce is in pigeons as her mate and her had already raised clutches in thier previous loft(this year) I'm curious as to what would cause a split :/ I know people pair certain birds of choice, would this increase chance of separation once introduced to a more lax loft whith freedom to repair up? The other pair have happily remained in love and already taken thier own nestbox up. I'm just curious cause splitting is a supposedly rare instance as far as ive heard but my first time buying breeding pairs 1 of 2 split immediately! The exhusband is already trying to win favour whith my young pied hen :/
Anything that people do in relationships I have witnessed with pigeons. Divorces, polyamory, same sex couplings, squab abuse, cheating - I have seen hens catching their mates breeding another hen beat the hen up and then conduct a beat down on their mate. By the way hens cheat on cocks just as much as cocks do on hens. When breeding pigeons the only way to guarantee parentage is single pen matings. What happens in the open loft stays in the open loft.
Ps Another question because as of this morning WE HAVE OUR FIRST EGG! not of the pair in question but wth! Except it's not in a nest box whith a bowl....can you move eggs pre incubation? Could I stick a bowl in and put the egg in the bowl? She layed one box over where i intended for them to. -_-
I would not reccomend moving the egg. If this was an experienced pair i would move it but since its their first clutch they may abanden it if moved. Remember that a pigeons first clutch is often infertile so candle them on day 7 to see. @biophiliac any other suggustions?

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