Pigeon Talk

has Serin been? Missing Olive updates...

We are surviving. Olive pulled out her left middle claw about a week ago after getting it stuck somewhere and was very sore, she is still favoring it. I'm not certain but I think the entire blood vessel yanked out. It required almost three hours of compression to stop bleeding (were she not a trusting bird, I don't know how I would have held her so long) and she was bandaged up for a couple days. There appears to be nothing left of the claw.
Well that's it. The fantails have gone. I have kept Kiwi and Ruby. They are the wife's favourite! A guy from the next town over just came over and collected them. He already has some so hopefully they will settle in just fine. Tomorrow I will give the loft a really good clean and introduce the archangels. They will appreciate the extra space for sure. Hopefully they will won't break anymore eggs.
I think I'll call her Harriet, after Harry Houdini and inspired by your suggestion. :D
That's a great story and a lucky bird! Now we both have pigeons regrowing their tails :)

You have gravel in your aviary right? How easily does it clean off?
I'd like to either put some pea gravel down or preferably pour a concrete slab but the latter option will take a lot more work. When it's warm/dry I don't have any issues but anytime it rains it stays pretty damp in there for a few days at least. This wasn't such a problem in the middle of winter but it was during the fall and it's beginning to become a problem again.
That's a great story and a lucky bird! Now we both have pigeons regrowing their tails :)

You have gravel in your aviary right? How easily does it clean off?
I'd like to either put some pea gravel down or preferably pour a concrete slab but the latter option will take a lot more work. When it's warm/dry I don't have any issues but anytime it rains it stays pretty damp in there for a few days at least. This wasn't such a problem in the middle of winter but it was during the fall and it's beginning to become a problem again.
I have regular gravel, enough to cover the ground. Now, after more than a year, there are some bare spots so I need to add some more. The rain and the birds moving it around kept it clean enough for me so I didn't do any cleaning myself.
How long do you think for the tail to regrow? Remind me how yours lost it's tail? Did you see it? My memory is sooo bad!:oops:

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