Pilgrim Pair that we bought at a Animal Swap yesterday


7 Years
May 31, 2012
Crocker, MO
Hello Ya'll,

we went to a animal swap yesterday and fell in love with a pair of Pilgrim Geese, she won 1st and 2nd price at a show and he won 3rd.
they are very very sweet.
This morning he is a bit protective over his girl but that's all normal and not too bad.
they seem to be pretty comfortable here since they keep making sure that her eggs are fertilized.....if you know what I mean ...;)


They look happy and sound healthy! :) I know a lot of people are having trouble finding Pilgrims this year, great find!
thank you!!! we are very very happy with them. I bought them a bigger pool at work today (I work at Lowe's) and they just loved it, that dove and dove and dove.
Congratulations - Pilgrims are what I wanted originally, but couldn't find any in our neck of the woods. Getting some Toulouse instead next week. Your guys are beautiful. Hug them from me. :)
yesterday I went up there to feed them and the male was just hissing more then usually and I was wondering what was up, when I realized that there was an egg!!! YAY. So for now we're leaving it where it is and hoping that she'll add another and maybe sit on it too.

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