Pilgrim Pair that we bought at a Animal Swap yesterday

now maybe you guys can help me out here. we are so new to this goose thing and we are not even sure if she layed one or two eggs.

We know she layed that one, a day or so after that the egg was burried underneath the straw and today it's there again, so either she layed a second one or they undug this one... not sure what to think of that, we have never seen her sit on the eggs.

What does all this mean? Is she not broody and we should just take the egg (s) or is she collecting the eggs before she'll sit on them??
She will probably lay 8 to 12 or more eggs before going broody, depends on how many she wants to set on. You can take them away she will keep laying an egg every other day. Taking is a good thing if you want alot to
incubate yourself. My brown chinese wants to go broody so bad but i keep taking her eggs and incubating them because she is young and i dont think she knows enough yet. I will let her try before season is over though.
we don't have an incubator yet. so we were hoping that she'd take on the job.

How long do you think we should wait until we can say that she won't go broody?
As of now we're not sure if she added an egg or if they just dug the old one up from under the straw.. sigh, we are so clueless.

so would you say that if she does not add another egg within a few days, we will take the old one away? Is it normal that they don't seem to do anything with the existing egg?
then again they might do something with it and I just don't see it...
Im not sure if she will or will not go broody. If she does then the gander wont be the only one with an attitude. Geese will protect with
all their might. Now this info is what i have been told by others on here. I do have 10
geese, 2 that i hatched last year and 8 adults i bought this year. Im learning as i go also. I would say if that is the only egg they have so
far then they are atleast rolling it around and turning it. If its not the only one then they are hiding well so far while still rolling them. I
would just go look, and count them. They may hiss but i doubt they will bite, until she
does set and then be cautious and dont bother her. mine only hiss when i take the eggs. It will take awhile for her to get her
clutch because they lay every other day. So maybe 2 weeks or 3 weeks before she may decide to start setting. My brown chinese goose has given me 16 eggs so far but she was laying already when i bought her, and has wanted to set on each single egg she has laid so either shes really ready or she only wants to raise one lol i dont know i think shes a little young yet. She did get two more eggs today from my romans but she had them and hers in front of her, which makes me reluctant to let her hatch any. Just watch yours, her attitude will change when shes ready.
they ignored the first egg, so we took it and put it under a broody hen, but she decided it was too big and moved away from it.

But as of 3 days ago we have 2 new goose eggs. Maybe this time she will be laying more and more and set. fingers crossed!
Give her time, mine has been broody for a week now. I keep taking her eggs and she keeps stealing more. Shes only a year old this year, i think shes too young for me to trust her to let set. I have three goslings from
her now and possible 3 more in the incubator. Today she tried taking chicken eggs to set on cause one goose egg just wasnt enough lol
I was just wondering what is the latest on your goose eggs? Have any hatched?

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