Pink and Blue Honduran Chickens

They look really well fed for wild chickens.
And amazingly enough, I'll bet they weren't given medicated started, then changed to grower at the proper time, and given 95 degrees for the first week decreased by 5 degrees each week, or have a heated coop in the winter...................we are so far removed from what our birds actually NEED and what we WANT to give them. Kinda sad..............
And amazingly enough, I'll bet they weren't given medicated started, then changed to grower at the proper time, and given 95 degrees for the first week decreased by 5 degrees each week, or have a heated coop in the winter...................we are so far removed from what our birds actually NEED and what we WANT to give them. Kinda sad..............
It is sad! I appreciate as natural as I can get it now-a-days.

I haven't monitored temperature since my first hatch! I go by behaviour. :)
Easter broiler's anyone???
I don't think the dye is harmful but an unskilled person is! Reminds me amniocentesis.

I wonder why they chose Cornish/Rock crosses to make these "pet" chickens? Because they don't live too long past the age they are supposed to be slaughtered from what I can tell. Oh, well, as long as the buyers knew what they were getting.
I think they choose the cheap,short lived types because people who buy dyed chicks as decorative 'presents' for a holiday probably don't plan on actually raising it to a full grown bird.

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