pink egg layers

what kind of chicken is she?
i have seen pink EE eggs before , i used to buy them for eating eggs since they were placed in the fridge, but since im looking for some to hatch i cant find them ,
6chickens in St. Charles :

My pink egg layer is a sweet thang. I wonder if anybody else's pink egg layers are also sweetie pies? She's soft, and quiet, and very gentle and girlie.

My Sunshine is very sweet and gentle. She will just lay on me like a cat sometimes. She just started laying and her eggs are pink! goes very well with my blue ameracauna eggs.
I just got on to see what kind of chicken lays pink eggs. I have 6 breeds right now and I isolated some young ones to figure out which ones are roos. Everytime an egg is laid we use process of elimination to see who done it! (we had issues with feather plucking this year so tail feathers are not available signs of identification)

I always figured they were EE's but we got a pink egg out of the small group today. Our isolated group has NO Ameraucana in it! There are New Hampshire Reds, Buff Chantecler, and Cuckoo Marans. And one of them lays pink, we have pink eggs from some of the other girls too. Unfortunately they seem to be brown eggs with a chalky pink coating on top. But they are pretty none the less!

Take a look!


The dark one on the left is from a cuckoo, green = EE, Light tan is usually dominique, and light brown usually New Hampshire Red. Pink in the front? I thought I saw a New Hampshire Red sitting in that corner for a while today! She's the one I pulled out anyway. We'll see in the next few days I suppose.
I have a pink egg layer (sorry, no egg pics). She's a blue orp x EE that I hatched out this spring. Not sure what to breed her with to continue the pink eggs; any suggestions would be welcome (and I could potentially offer some for sale when she starts back again)>
Happy Chooks said she had a pink egg to include in my egg order. Not sure if I got it cuz none of them looked pink to me. But you could try her anyway. GOOD LUCK!

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