Pink Egg Whites?


May 8, 2020
Finger Lakes, NY/5B
Hey all - so one of my ladies (pretty sure its the same one) has started laying. She hasn't been too consistent which makes sense to me, because it's cold, wet, and gross outside. I went to crack open some of her eggs this morning for breakfast and noticed that there was a pink-ish tinge to the whites against my semi-white bowl. So I went ahead and cracked open the rest (5 in total) and they were all pink. There was little black flecks on the yolks too.

I've been keeping them in the fridge unwashed, because she's been good about hiding them or laying somewhere in the yard. I looked it up, but wanted to see if anyone else has experience with this? My gut (and the internet) tells me it's probably just a bit of blood, but then I read things about it being bacteria. I did wash with warm water before cracking and could feel some silkiness which I'm guessing is the bloom? The shells were pretty solid when cracking too.

I did end up eating them, as everything fried up looking normal and they tasted delicious 🙂

Is she a cayuga? My cayuga always had black flecks on the yolk. I assume that is normal for cayuga ducks.

I'm not sure what's up with the pink. Red blood spots I'm familiar with, but I don't have experience with pinkish whites.
Is she a cayuga? My cayuga always had black flecks on the yolk. I assume that is normal for cayuga ducks.

I'm not sure what's up with the pink. Red blood spots I'm familiar with, but I don't have experience with pinkish whites.

She's a black swedish, but it could be all related since both can lay colored eggs & have iridescent coloring.
She's a black swedish, but it could be all related since both can lay colored eggs & have iridescent coloring.
Yeah, if she were a white duck I would say it wasn't related at all. But both black ducks leaving little black flecks on their yolks? Likely related! I think @FunQuail has swedish ducks. Maybe they have seen flecks on the yolks.
Thanks for tagging me @KaleIAm
The whites look clear to me, but I think the black flecks are blood spots. I have Blue Swedish and I haven't noticed this but I have other breeds laying as well. From what I understand with duck eggs it's the shell that could be different colors, I haven't heard of the yokes or whites being different colors based on genetics.
Hope this helps,

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