Pinless Peepers for Aggressive Roo?


In the Brooder
Jan 15, 2021
Hi, all! I'm new here, so I apologize if this has already been asked, but do pinless peepers work to keep a rooster from attacking you? I have a boy who was really great to start, but he has gotten into attacking me when I go to tend to the gals. I have been having to give them antibiotics for URIs, and every time I try to leave the run with one, he comes after me.

I really don't want to get rid of him, and I'd like to make peace with him again... I've tried pinning him down, and carrying him all over. That worked for a little bit, but now he's back to it and worse than ever.
There are a ton of articles here on aggressive roosters. Lots of ideas and notes on what did work or didn't. First learn about rooster/chicken psychology, then look through the different techniques suggested. In my own experience, each roo has been unique. Go to articles, then Learning Center, then Maintaining a healthy flock. There are lots of rooster articles as they can be a challenge for anyone. Best wishes for you and your bird.

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