PIP PIP..................mostly dry Lola pics added pg. 10


Can't wait to see pics. Congratulations!!
Alright, here are a couple of pics of my new little sweetheart. She is so precious and so LOUD!!! She is kicking all the other eggs all over the place...little brat!!!

Here the poor little monster fell over and was throwing a HUGE fit!!! LOL

Here she is about to go into the water tray I have in the center. She is NOT well behaved!!!

Now I can't wait to see yours!!!!
Yes, I am afraid she is gonna be a little handfull!!! She is lonely in there so every time I talk to her she starts screaming like she wants out. Poor little girl. I wish the others would hurry up!!!!!!

Yup! i hope my hatch is a fast hatch this time even though i no it aint but i guess saying it'll be fast takes the presure of my brian..LOL

and yes you still have more babies to come!! i can't wait to see them!
oh so beautiful!!!! I can't wait!!! So are your other eggs rocking or pipping? Does the chicks peeping encourage the others to join in? my little pheasant still just has the pip...it's a hole now, but no sign of zipping. i can see it moving around in there from time to time, and a couple of weak little peeps now and then. i'm so worried about it! Wow, this is tough!

Did you help yours out?
I made the original hole bigger so she could breathe easier but she did the rest.
I was about to panic because she was getting quieter, which is why I made it larger. I would have done more had she needed it, though.

I know you are about to pull your hair out. Can't wait for your baby to get here and see pics of it!!!

No, the other eggs don't seem to be doing anything at all!!! It has me worried, but tonight is really when they should start anyway. She was just a touch early for some reason. I know there were alive babies in a lot of them at day 18...some I couldn't tell, so I am sure I will be getting more soon.

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