PIP PIP..................mostly dry Lola pics added pg. 10

Awww, she is so cute. She looks like the lightest one I have. You'll have to post more pics when she fluffs up.

She's doing her job by being noisy, getting everyone else to hatch. One of my BLRW's hatched about 36 hrs before the others, I was convinced I was only getting one.
Whewwwww.....glad to know you had one much earlier, too. At first when she started coming out of the shell I thought she was gonna be dark. Then she got all the way out and I could tell she wasn't. Now that she is drying she has the prettiest light blue fluff on her bottom!!! I like the light ones best, but I would take them black with purple polka dots right now, as long as they are healthy....oh I sound so much like a mom!!! LOL
Congratulations, she's ADORABLE! You need to post pics of her all fluffed out as well
The blue fluff on her bottom sounds to die for... Yeah, these are definitely on my list for next year.

You're too cute with your hatching babies... You sound like such a nervous mom to be but so was I and my chick was under a broody along with the next batch!
LOL....yes, I get so incredibly nervous!!! I am sure I would freak out even if they were under a broody, too!!! It is like going through childbirth all over again!!

She is about to get some company. There is one who pipped a bit ago and he seems to be progressing (see, this one is he). I heard one chirping and scratching inside the egg but don't see a pip. I get the feeling they are really gonna drag this one out!!!!
This hatch is going to make sure you never sleep this week. You should probably start a pot of coffee at this rate

And yes, I know the gender of my chicks as well... Just not literally. My new little one is a girl. My mom brought up the fact that it could very well be a roo and I told her I knew my chicks, this one is definitely a Lavendar! (Following the herb names of her parents and aunt, Basil, Sage and Rosemary)
LOL....yes, we can just FEEL these things, can't we!!! I am not even gonna admit to how many times my "feelings" were wrong, however. LOL Ya know, I used to want to have a daughter and name her Lavender. I don't know if anyone has seen the kid movie Matilda? There is this adorable little girl named Lavender and I thought that was just the cutest thing ever.
I love that you used herb names for your chickies...that is really cute. Mine, unfortunately, tend to get named whatever the kids insist on.

Already have the coffee made.
It is actually an every single night drink.
Why yes, I have seen Matilda! It was such a favorite movie when I was younger, I named my dalmation mix "Matilda". Miss Mattie is now 11 years old
I watched that movie with my niece just a month or so ago and little Lavender was adorable.

As for the gender feelings... Well, I suppose I'm 25% accurate
Not very good but I like to think I know what my babies are
I really hope I'm right in this case.

Anymore egg action? I posted photos of my new peep

Oh, and is the coffee decaf or are you a fellow night owl?
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My favorite kitty is named Mathilda (yeah, she got an "h" in hers).
I just rented it and watched it with my boys.
I knew they would love the principal. LOL

Sounds like your accuracy rate is right up there with mine. LOL

I commented on your baby's thread.

Nope, decaf is a dirty word. I have had serious insomnia issues my whole life so it doesn't bother me.
I have no idea what y'all are talking about LOL i think i'm just so tired but i can't SLEEP! nope i will not i can't do it! i just ate a big bowel of ice cream thinking that will keep me up i don't know what i was thinking cuz now i feel sick LOL

oh and This is my 400TH!!! post on your thread
I'm anti-decaf too, luvmychicknkids. We must be kindred spirits. I've had insomnia since I was 12ish. I drove my parents nuts with my night owl tendencies. Now that I'm on my own, it's even worse. I tend to get 3-4 hours sleep and it's usually from 5 am to 9 am.

Anyway, I'll stop highjacking your thread and confusing BirdBoy.

Anymore pips yet? How's the little guy progressing?

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