PIP PIP..................mostly dry Lola pics added pg. 10

Now Birdboy....you know the old saying "A watched egg never hatches"......alright, fine, if that were true, mine wouldn't have hatched for sure!!! LOL They are doing this on purpose to drive you crazy!!! They KNOW what they are doing!!!! Here, have my hammer.....

And yeah, I think she is pretty adorable!!! So far though, Lola is my favorite. She is just a BRAT and I can't resist her!!! LOL I have 5 out.
There was a 6th that started hatching and died. Her internal organs were all on the outside of her body.
LOL yea i know it's madness i tell you MADNESS!!
*takes hammer*

and sorry about the baby that didn't make it

the samething happen to one of my ducklings last month..it hatch with his insides still out and died an hour later but at least you have 5 not 4 not 3 not 2 not 1 but 5 fluffy cuteness babies

wait let me go look in my bator again....nope nothing
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It'll happen!!!! Seriously!!! It will!!!

Well, day 21 was over several hours ago. I decided to check the remaining eggs since there was no progress and I KNOW I have such serious aircell issues on that one shipment. My last 2 BLRW were obviously dead so I took them and 3 more eggs out. One had never even started developing....HOW did I miss that for the past 21 days???? Anyway, the others all died from the same thing....no space due to the aircell taking up almost the entire egg.
They were literally crammed into a tiny space at the bottom with no room to even fully develop.
I am seriously upset with the post office for playing with the lives of little animals. What I have left is 4 EE eggs that had babies who appeared to have broken into the aircell. All were moving. So, I put them back, closed it up tight, and I will wait a bit longer before I decide to panic on those 4.

How many times have you checked now, Birdboy????? Anything???? HUH???????
Congratulations on your 5 babies! I bet they're all adorable but I think Lola will remain my favorite. She sounds like she's so full of spunk.

Although, that BTWJB is quite cute... That's also on my list of needed chicks
My aunt has a gorgeous, sweet BTWJB rooster named Stumpy and I just love him.

So sorry about the loss, though
It's always hard when they hatch with defects.

Now you have the EEs to drive you nuts and wait on
Aw sry again about the ones that didn't make it

and my eggs are laughing at me..LOL
they are wiggling but as soon as i look in the bator they will wiggle for a few seconds then stop... it's like they know when i'm looking..lol

Maybe if i show a $20 they will come out? LOL
Thanks, Carolinagirl.
Yeah, Lola is gonna be my absolute favorite, too!!! I adore them all, but that child stole my heart the second she poked her little head out. She is a very special little lady!!! I was really afraid I wouldn't get a single baby from the mixed box of eggs....at least I have one and 4 more that MIGHT make it. When they stay in shipping for close to a week and then it is literally thrown against your door....well....the odds were not good.

I told you, Birdboy.....they KNOW!!!! I knew chickens were smart, now we see that it starts before they even hatch! They tease and tease!!! ROFL....bribing chickies with money. Hmmmm....that's a new one. Can't hurt to try!!!!
I tend to take the different approach with bribing my chicks to hatch
I start talking about wanting a scrambled egg or an omelet... Or maybe nuggets (I call my peeps "nuggets" to my dogs and cats seeing as they stare with such longing)

Just kidding. I live by the rule of if I meet it, I can't eat it. But hey, it could very well work?
LOL...I threaten all my animals around here, constantly!!! When my cats are driving me insane I like to remind them that would just fit in the George Foreman grill. They don't seem too frightened, however!!! LOL When this little BTWJ hatched, I told the kids he wasn't even big enough to make a single nugget. Poor little thing!!!

Ya know, I honestly keep thinking that one of these days I am going to get up the courage to raise meat birds. Well, it hasn't happened yet. I WANT to, I just don't know how NOT to get attached to every animal I come in contact with. *SIGH*
Same here... I'd love to become as self-sufficient as possible but I just can't bring myself to do it.

Actually, I have a cornish cross roo who is plain evil. I keep him in a seperate pen and I have to enter with caution. But I cannot kill him. I can threaten him, sure. Part of that is because my niece picked him out when with me buying chicks over a year ago and she asks to see "Tyron" everytime she's here (through the wire, of course! she can't get in the pen, period. I keep it padlocked)

Maybe one day I'll get the guts to do it... At least I'd know they didn't live such horrible lives before, etc.

Oh, and it probably doesn't help that I name everything as soon as it arrives. I don't view them as dinner, I view them as little souls with personality :| Yet I eat meat from the super market. Need to work on that, I guess.
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See, that's us, too. We eat meat and I want it humanely raised.
We actually went vegetarian for a few months but it just didn't last. We really tried. *sigh* So we try to get the most humanely raised meat we can now. That helps, but it isn't good enough. I do the same, though, I see them and instantly start trying to come up with the perfect name. It just can't work if I do it that way.

Wow...I have never heard of an evil cornish cross!!! Kinda funny, Tyron is sooooooo close to Tyson!!!!

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