Pipd's Peeps!

One more post, but no picture because I forgot to grab my phone before going in there... Looks like Roxanne is back to 100%. No prolapse this morning, appetite back to normal, and she seems to be pooping normally. Yay! šŸ˜ I'm keeping her in just a little longer to make sure of that last criteria, and then she'll move back outside to start reintegrating into the flock.
Great news! Whoohoo!
Haha, no worries on the typo, it happens to us all ;)

I do have a few more pictures of the broodies and their babies from the past couple days. I didn't even realize I hadn't checked in in so long!! :th I'll get them uploaded after this post. šŸ˜

Hey, long time no see!! :frow Good to hear that your birds are doing well! It's definitely the time of year when the boys have more hormones than brains and start poking at one another. My one set of guys is constantly chasing each other around their pen. :rolleyes: Hope you have better luck with your male to female ratio if you do get unsexed chicks! It's looking pretty bleak so far for my hatches this year, 6 out of 9 of my Easter hatch were boys and I'm seeing a lot of combs popping in the brooder with my more recent hatches as well. :th

The charger is really tempting!! The big problem here is all the undergrowth and keeping it trimmed back from the line like you mention. I just trimmed the undergrowth back from the outer coop this week to make it less approachable for predators and it about did me in between the heat and the mosquitoes šŸ˜¬ I'll have to think about that.
Like I said, let me know about the charger.

I went to rural King and they had 3 polish - no other bantams. I liked the polish I had, but I know my lucky draw would end up with 3 boys. Plus, when my girl got sick, she went down so fast, I didn't have time to help her. I've since read that polish can be hard to keep. Tsc had no birds. My tsc is nice and remodeled, but it's like they aren't carrying much anymore.
I've found some oegbs, but they are too young to sex for my untrained eye. šŸ˜‰ Plus, they would be a bit of a drive for me, so I'm going to think about it. Maybe I should let one of my chickens go broody and hatch some? šŸ¤£
Well, bummer it isn't a recessive white, but maybe also good that you don't have that gene hiding in your flock.

Yeah, and it's probably best that I focus on the BBS anyway. I don't want to spread myself too thin and I really want to preserve them and breed them well. I've seen way too many people get into way too many projects only to drop them after a year or two because it takes a long time to really progress when breeding these birds. In other words, this whole chicken breeding thing is a lot of hard work!! :th

Hey how are Nora, Judy, and the Judy Booties?

Nora's doing good! She still has her bald spot and her left eye is a tiny bit stretched back because of how her wound healed up, but she's running around with everyone else being a completely normal chicken these days. šŸ„° She declined to pose for pictures today, though, and instead ran off into the bushes out of reach. :rolleyes:

Judy is... probably pretty miffed with me. šŸ˜… After all the egg thieving, I had the two outer coop flocks locked inside for most of the week to keep them safe and I just started letting them outside into their pens again yesterday. Poor gals. I figured a few days of less than ideal housing while I figured things out was better than them being killed by whatever was stealing eggs, though. I did find where the thief was breaching the pen, by the way, with a big ol clump of raccoon fur stuck in the fence there. So I think that answered what it was and that we likely got rid of the problem with the removal of the one that was live trapped. I haven't had any further problems so far, anyway.

Err, back to Judy, here is the famous booty šŸ¤­ She was at the fence when I went out there, but turned to walk away in a huff as soon as I bent over to take a picture. :rolleyes:


And Judy's little Judy-Booties, they're doing good! It was touch and go for a few days this past week with them being treated for coccidiosis, but we seem to be well on the upswing now.
forehead wipe whew.gif

Here's her girl. She's the one I was most worried about this week, but she's back to bright eyed, eating properly, and flying around like a little maniac now šŸ„°


Aaaand the two Splashes out of her, both boys :rolleyes: The one on the right is gonna be a real stud when he grows up, just look at that face! šŸ¤­


I went to rural King and they had 3 polish - no other bantams. I liked the polish I had, but I know my lucky draw would end up with 3 boys. Plus, when my girl got sick, she went down so fast, I didn't have time to help her. I've since read that polish can be hard to keep. Tsc had no birds. My tsc is nice and remodeled, but it's like they aren't carrying much anymore.
I've found some oegbs, but they are too young to sex for my untrained eye. šŸ˜‰ Plus, they would be a bit of a drive for me, so I'm going to think about it. Maybe I should let one of my chickens go broody and hatch some? šŸ¤£

Yeah, I've heard Polish can be a bit fragile, and it seems like the bantams are especially so. I don't have any personal experience with them, of course, so take that with a grain of salt!

What color OEGBs? :pop Some varieties are autosexing, but the trait can become unreliable if not selected for. If I still had a breeding pair of them to work with, I'd offer you chicks from my birds. Mine were pretty accurately sexable at hatch, but of course all I have left now are full siblings to one another so not the best for breeding. That and my OEGB girls are crazy and want to lay their eggs anywhere but in the actual nests so I can never find them!! :barnie

Broodies can be pretty fun to watch with their babies... ;)
Just a few more random pictures from today. Roxy was so pleased to get back out into the flock after her leave of absence inside! She immediately went into a dust bath in her little reintegration space. šŸ¤­



Sumi and her beautiful plumage šŸ˜ She was upset when I took this picture because I had trimmed her wing a couple days ago so she couldn't fly out of the chicken area to lay her egg in the junk on the front porch :barnie Bonus Fifi being nosy in the background :rolleyes:


And miss Splash mama with her babies again... I think I've decided on Opal for her name šŸ„°

Your babies are so cute!

I've been having heat issues! Its been so hot that the babies need to be checked 3 or more times a day on water because of them kicking bedding into it. I'm getting some constipation in them because of this. Paying my friend to come over on my work days to check them for water and will be working on tops for the troughs so the garage can be open during the day with a fan. Also working on three outside pens in my small yard for babies. I've got some bones (structural part) up for one already but its so freaking hot and humid that its hard to work all day on it.

While we work on it I've been opening the outdoor brooder up as well because they are all panting. This summer is going to be bad I can feel it.
Judy is gorgeous no matter how irked she is at you about being locked up šŸ˜„ I'm glad Nora is doing well and you have your coop breach found and dealt with.

Your dedication to good breeding shows, I like your discipline. You know my story, I was just going to do BBS, now I have kinda BBA, plus chocolate, and mauve, and a random paint satin rooster that now I'm thinking I need to cross with a silver based black hen to see if I can get some clean paints... :oops: and added 2 more breeds that I want to have small breeding groups of šŸ˜¬
Judy is gorgeous no matter how irked she is at you about being locked up šŸ˜„ I'm glad Nora is doing well and you have your coop breach found and dealt with.

Your dedication to good breeding shows, I like your discipline. You know my story, I was just going to do BBS, now I have kinda BBA, plus chocolate, and mauve, and a random paint satin rooster that now I'm thinking I need to cross with a silver based black hen to see if I can get some clean paints... :oops: and added 2 more breeds that I want to have small breeding groups of šŸ˜¬
LOL. I feel or resemble that wanting to do too much at once 2ndTink. I am really trying to talk myself down from all the different breeds I have and into focusing on one color. Its very very hard to do!
What color OEGBs? :pop Some varieties are autosexing, but the trait can become unreliable if not selected for. If I still had a breeding pair of them to work with, I'd offer you chicks from my birds. Mine were pretty accurately sexable at hatch, but of course all I have left now are full siblings to one another so not the best for breeding. That and my OEGB girls are crazy and want to lay their eggs anywhere but in the actual nests so I can never find them!! :barnie

Broodies can be pretty fun to watch with their babies... ;)
He said a mix, so I'm thinking he doesn't keep them in breeding pens. He also has polish. I'm posting a Pic. I know to stay away from the ones with their combs already popping up. šŸ¤£ I don't expect you to be able to tell, but just wanted to post it. It's 1.5 hours away and that makes for a long day for me these days.

LOL. I feel or resemble that wanting to do too much at once 2ndTink. I am really trying to talk myself down from all the different breeds I have and into focusing on one color. Its very very hard to do!
SO hard!!!!! There are so many wonderful breeds, so you need a few, then you find out the AMAZING color varieties they come in. A couple each of a couple breeds, and poof, you have 100 chickens and wonder what in the world happened :lau

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