

Jul 13, 2020
Yorkshire, England
This is day 20. 30% 37.5C for 18 days,now 55% 37.5C
Does this pip and unzip look normal or is it stuck?
Last time I thought one was stuck it died in shell and poor thing had been fully developed and fully absorbed
This pip has developed since last night ... But is there now too much going in one place and a lack of zipping?
I can see it’s beak so it’s still fine. Pay attention to it. Usually if I don’t see a beak and it’s taking forever to turn and zip then I assist a little. But if I can see a beak and it has been less than 24 hrs I leave it alone.
I can see it’s beak so it’s still fine. Pay attention to it. Usually if I don’t see a beak and it’s taking forever to turn and zip then I assist a little. But if I can see a beak and it has been less than 24 hrs I leave it alone.
Thanks. Hopefully she'll start to turn. Every time I've assisted I've never had a survival so really hesitant to get involved. Will leave it at least another 24 hours.
don't open incubator too often or for long time as it may cause drop of humidity and egg membrane sticking to the chick. Also would not hurt to increase humidity to 70 or higher. The chick inside the egg may take 24h or longer to absorb the yoke and become strong enough to leave the shell. you can fix the egg in the orientation you think might help by using a part of egg carton.
How long was she inside the egg?

Edited to add: the first day hatching is always a learning experience. Hopefully she'll get the hang of it
23 days... 48 hours of that was pip but no movement or attempt to hatch. She's drinking now when I offer her some vitamin water but she isn't strong enough to walk to a feeder or drinker herself :(
don't open incubator too often or for long time as it may cause drop of humidity and egg membrane sticking to the chick. Also would not hurt to increase humidity to 70 or higher. The chick inside the egg may take 24h or longer to absorb the yoke and become strong enough to leave the shell. you can fix the egg in the orientation you think might help by using a part of egg carton.
Thanks. How should the egg be orientated?
23 days... 48 hours of that was pip but no movement or attempt to hatch. She's drinking now when I offer her some vitamin water but she isn't strong enough to walk to a feeder or drinker herself :(

Oh wow 48 hours. I mean that's still normal, but still. Vitamins should help it. Maybe even some cooked egg yolk? The good thing is the first three days after hatching all they do is sleep. They rarely eat or drink those first three days. Which is why most can survive being shipped right after they get hatched.

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