How do you help a week chick?
If you hatched them, leave them in the incubator overnight and take them out into the brooder in the morning.
Check them for:
  1. Curled toes
  2. Splayed legs
  3. Pasty butt
Pasty butt may develop later.
Make sure they know how to eat and drink. Feed them scrambled eggs after a few hours. If they don't eat you may have to 'force' it into their beak.
Dip their beak in the water regularly unless you see that they know how to drink. If they're very weak, mix some electrolytes into their water.
Make sure they don't get trampled by the other chicks and make sure they are warm.
Give them lots of love an attention too.
1) it seems like a good set up. It depends on the weather where you are. Here in England it wouldn't work because of the cold and wind. So it's your call.

The way the crate is currently set up, it's completely weather proof. The problem with using only the crate is they'd never get any sun. That's why I want to build a mini run around it. I completely understand about the cold weather. We have it here too and that's what's making me push for March at the earliest. Fingers crossed the ladies don't go broody before then.

2) I never separate my broodies, but wait for mama to wean the chicks off then integrate
How do you keep the chicks separate but not the mamas? I can't quite work that out in my imagination.

The only reason I want to keep the mamas separate is they're buff orpingtons who've only been in my flock for a month. They aren't high on the pecking order, although bullying from the other hens has pretty much subsided and they all get along well now. They are more docile than the other birds though, so I'm afraid they'll be bullied off their nests by the more dominant birds.
You can also use a dry toothbrush, and your finger tips to gently preen the dried gunk off.
That worked! She is getting stronger by the min. Staying up all night to ensure she eats every couple of hours. Thank you so much. I am forever grateful for this site to be able to communicate and ask questions. #ducklifesaver! Phil 4:13


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I definitely need to more about sexing chicks. I tried wing sexing which I know only works for certain breeds. I try vent sexing but I don't think I'm doing it right 😕
I've been right a few times.
I'm only 'specialised' in silkie sexing.
I always go by combs. Don't try to vent sex unless you are specialised because it an kill the chick if not done properly.
I'm only 'specialised' in silkie sexing.
I always go by combs. Don't try to vent sex unless you are specialised because it an kill the chick if not done properly.
That's what I'm always afraid of doing, is hurting the chick.
I've seen videos and I'm like 😳 I can't do that.
I get frustrated because 2 of my favorite chicks I hatched last season turned out to be cockrells 🥺
I don't like getting attached then having to give it up.
I'm only 'specialised' in silkie sexing.
I always go by combs. Don't try to vent sex unless you are specialised because it an kill the chick if not done properly.

my 8 silkie chicks (2, 2.5 and 3 mo) all have two paralel - slightly forming v shape lines with growing walnut shape in between. their crests are huge and round. according to what you say all girls, right?

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