pips and zip and LOTS of pics... Lockdown.......Hatch date 8/28

another pic
hey everyone. How is it going?

we have 4 pipped. I dont know if they will hatch.

26 babies. 1 is still barely hanging on.
4 pip and 2 zips. IT'S TAKING FOREVER,
I need to go to work to get away from here.
The first one is going on 36 hours and if it doesn't come out by tonight I'm helping. Well maybe not. LOL I did have a straw down the hole trying to peal some of the shell off. I got one little piece. I will wait because I know they may not be ready to come out.
We had popcorn chicken this morning
my holdouts to day 21 all popped out within a 5 minute span.I think they were having a hatching competition. All cute and fuzzy.My daughter finally has herself a frizzle

12 eggs went into lockdown 12 chicks came out
I'm DONE for 16 days
I'm still waiting...
and jealous that y'all have little peeps already...
I set mine on the 10th, so I'm a few days behind you.

I really shouldn't be jealous...I have 10 adorable little peeps (from Ideal) in my living room to keep me company
But I've never hatched eggs before and I'm sooooo curious to see what we get from our own eggs.
Congrats everyone!

My second batch of eggs goes on locKdown Saturday evening. I had some crazy temperature fluctuations yesterday, so I am not really hopeful.

The americauna seems to be a dud. So of the 7 I set, 6 were fertile, 5 made it to end stage, and 4 hatched.

I was REALLY bad and ordered some more eggs. I feel awful because I'm supposed to hand over my bator to a friend, so she can do the grocery-store experiment with her kids. DH might be mad too. Is this a sickness?
I have one lonely chick. One died before pipping. The others were set one day after these two, so I'm still waiting on them.

Congrats to everyone on their chicks.
I can't tell if I have any pips or zips...my broody girl doesn't have a picture window
LOL A pip is when the chick pecks a small hole in the shell. A zip is when they start cracking the shell in a line all the way around, getting ready to push out.

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