pips and zip and LOTS of pics... Lockdown.......Hatch date 8/28

Yeah, she's not real happy about me messin with her babies... Any time I come too close to her she screeches just once...but she doesn't get violent. She kinda pecked at me last night for the first time, when I candled, but she didn't actually get me...more like a warning. She's been a sweet little broody Silkie. I wonder if she'll get meaner once the babies are born. I do want to hold them and cuddle with them a bit
It rained here today, so we have plenty of humidity for "lockdown"...LOL...of course, it's the Gulf Coast, we ALWAYS have plenty of humidity...

Quailzilla - Super cute babies you got there! Maybe you'll have a sweet little broody like my Sammie.

Congrats everyone on all the hatching babies!!!
OK- I decided to lower the humidity because of batch # 2. I candled a few and there was (what looked like) water in the air cell!

Are these toast or will this "dry up" a bit before lockdown?
This is just so fantastic. I'm at 100% pip on all of bargains eggs. One left to hatch.

18 hatched. 11 pipped. looks like we have 1 dud. BTW, the one i was SURE wouldn't make it is bouncing around doing fine.


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