Place for chicks to roost!

Thanks Karen!! I am new to raising chicks so any advice is much appreciated!! I don't plan on using them as meat chickens!! My toddlers are already attached!! And I will figure out a shelter for them! That makes good sense!
Well the "shelter" should aso be a warm place. Not a place to run where they might get cold, but a warm place where they can feel safe, but not bake. If the brooder is warm, then a small lean-to or the equivalent of a chick sized 'easy-up' will work fine. All the hover heaters which generate heat or are in a heated enviornment have open sides.
I believe they are happy in their home temp and perch wise! The perch has been there pretty much all day now and they all have been checking it out!! I've had them over a week and walk all over their pen! It's exciting watching them change and do more things every day!
I made a perch from two blocks of wood and a dowl rod. They love it, my chicks are 3 weeks.
You can see it in the back of the brooder.
I vote to give them both if you have room. I saw an overturned tray in the brooder at the local co-op where they'd put a piece of cardboard on top and the waterer was up there. The tray was about 4" tall and had holes all around. The chicks could go under to hide and the water wasn't getting shavings in it. I thought it was brilliant! A shoebox away from the heat lamp and with holes in it would be fine, too.

As they get a bit older, they start trying to roost on their feeder or whatever is the tallest point they can find. When that time comes, they will seek out a roost over their hiding box.
Chicks don't "need" to perch. If you have meat birds, don't let them perch till at least 6 weeks old to
avoid crooked keels(breastbones). Chicks would much rather have a "run-in shelter" where they can hide.
Heat is not the only reason chicks like the EcoGlow brooder heaters. They also like the hover feature
which allows them to hide underneath it like they would their mother hen. Chicks are not like puppies or kittens.
Chicks are prey animals and like shelter. Puppies and kittens are predator animals and use playgrounds
to practice hunting and pack skills which we humans call "play".
I have a perch in there because they like to hang out on it, but they really love my bucket waterer and they hide under there. I have to keep changing the bedding because they are messy drinkers, but they love it and they are staying dry. I remember seeing the EcoGlow brooder heater and thinking that was a really good idea.

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