

6 Years
Feb 18, 2013
I want to plant a vine like plant near the coop so they can eat the bugs off of it.

My question is what is a good plant and safe for them.
I was thinking the same thing. I'm unaware of any toxic parts on a rose, so maybe a climbing rose? I can't imagine the chickens would run into issues with the thorns.
I was thinking a jasmine, the smell would be nice and it grows like crazy, i have one in my front yard.
Jasmine is beautiful and nontoxic, but the jasmine VINE is highly poisonous to dogs and cats so I'm assuming chickens as well :( passion vines out, honeysuckles out, hyacinth vines out.... Maybe trumpet vine? I dunno I have to look into it
Success!.... Well maybe... Wisteria! The only part that is poisonous are the seed pods. They're huge so very easy to pick off, but it would be a fair amount of work. Plus, very invasive so I'd be constantly having to keep it under control. I guess if all else fails you could do some cucumber. Not exactly the prettiest, but it would still be some greenery and hey!, fresh veggies... If the chickens don't get them first ;)
Okay one more... But this is my fav so far... Nasturtiums! Beautiful flowers, fast growing and edible! Hope this helped!
Im thinking about a grape vine for my coop. We have a native wild type that grows pretty easily around here. Or maybe even Try a domesticated grape too. Nasturtiums are annuals I believe. I plant them by seed every year because they do freeze out and die where I live. Idk if it will climb well or train on a trellis...just from a couple varieties ive tried. There are also some gorgeous clematis varieties. Not sure about their toxicity though. Haven't googled that. :D
Would you consider sugar snap peas? They grow fast, climb, have pretty flowers, and make delicious treats! I've never grown them around my chickens (as this is my first season ever raising chickens), but does anyone else have any thoughts?


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