Please allow me to introduce myself.....


In the Brooder
Mar 18, 2018
I'm a woman of poverty without taste
I've been around for a long long time
Stole many a chickens eggs.

I need to build me chicken coop
For some hens to lay eggs
I'm gonna give them chicken feed
and water, and the kitchen dregs

I need to keep them from predators
Like coyotes, raccoons, and bobcats
I hope they live in harmony
with two goats, and two horses, and two cats

Apologies to M. Jagger and the Rolling Stones!
G’Day from down under Mukluky :frow Welcome!

LOL I love it! :clap

I do hope you enjoy being a BYC member. There are lots of friendly and very helpful folks here so not only is it overflowing with useful information it is also a great place to make friends and have some fun.

Including your general location on your profile will assist others. Location, climate, season etc can be important factors when members are responding to any questions you may have and vice versa.

You might want to also Find Your State Thread and pop in and say hello.

BYC has Topic of the Week discussions which I have found to be a great resource, informative and sometimes entertaining; so definitely worth checking out. These two might be of particular interest to you at this stage:
Topic of the Week - Getting Started, Keeping Chickens
Topic of the Week - Keeping the Flock Safe from Predators

If you would like to share Pictures and Stories of your flock when they arrive or other critters, you have come to the right place. BYC’ers never tire of these and do not back away slowly or commence eye rolling when the photo album or home videos come out ;)
Thanks all!!! Just FYI I'm located in the southern Sierra Nevada mountains in CA at about 4000 feet. I had chickens before but had to leave them behind (to a good home) when I moved. First I have to build Fort Knox for the Chickens and then.... cute little chicks... and later some eggs. I would like to get 2 barred rocks, 2 americana, and that is probably enough but maybe 1 of 2 more.

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